America is Headed for Divorce

…when one partner, or both, have stopped caring about what’s true. They’re simply done. There’s no longer any good will. There’s no longer any benefit of the doubt. It doesn’t matter what’s true. You’re simply done. That’s how it has become with America, as a whole. People in opposing factions have stopped listening to each other. Facts no longer seem to matter. I hear Trump supporters say to their friends who detest Trump, “Will you do me a favor… Continue reading

Seattle Outlaws Boeing and Starbucks

…rorism because it’s going to devastate the state’s economy.” Her solution? Simply don’t allow them to leave. [Source:, 11/21/13] One of the most common things I hear from people who support government intervention in the economy is, “It’s not force.” Isn’t it? What do you call it if Boeing is forced to stay in Washington state, simply because the socialist council member and her constituents demand it? If what she’s threatening is not f… Continue reading

The Bill of Rights is Dead. Long Live the Bill of Rights.

…small businesses, doing jobs the best we can, raising families, people who simply want to be left alone. We hope the miscreants ruining the world for us will eventually get tired of it and leave us alone. We put our bodies and minds into productive, meaningful work, while power-hungry sociopaths take over the world. THIS is what’s happening. Leftists know we love our lives. They hate life, they hate themselves (often with good reason), and they HA… Continue reading

Bipolar: Valid Label or Excuse?

…iefs, emotions, and convictions — true or false convictions (most often, a complex mixture of each). Whether medication effects a desired change or not in a particular emotional state is not always clear. Sometimes there is evidence to suggest so; at other times there really is no evidence. Many psychiatrists and drug companies greatly inflate and exaggerate the benefits of psychiatric medication. They imply that improvements in mood are due solel… Continue reading

Health Insurance Mega-Mergers: Obamacare Proceeding as Planned

…recisely what advocates of the law wanted. No, it’s not a conspiracy. It’s simply the logic implied by all their arguments in favor of medicine as a right to be given, rather than a commodity to be purchased. Most advocates of the “Affordable Care Act” wanted single-payer, socialized medicine. “Free” health care, upon demand, for everyone. They wanted to kill off the private health insurance industry (along with for-profit medicine) completely. Th… Continue reading

A Little Conflict Can Be a GOOD Thing

…most successful relationships consist of two people getting what they want simply because they are being who they are. In good relationships, conflicts are viewed as temporary and resolvable. Dealbreakers are not as issue, because each party sees evidence that the other is getting from of the relationship what’s satisfactory to him or her. Because of this mutual security, it’s automatically expected that conflict will be resolvable, and is the exc… Continue reading

Happiness is Not an Entitlement

…e excuses from the student, the teaching assistant ended her note with: ‘I completely agree with the ‘You’ve made your bed. Now lie in it.’ mentality. […] These kids today have NO sense of responsibility. […] Now, there are way too many loopholes for them to twist and turn. Can we have the good old days back?’ The professor responded: ‘Yes, we can have the good old days back, but first we have to get rid of: 1. Backbone-less politicians (and presi… Continue reading

The Only Reason Marijuana Should Be Legal

…gation alone, you end up advancing all kinds of awful, ridiculous things. (Simply read the daily news for specifics.) You allow yourself to evade the whole context — defense, economics — in order to fixate on one or two issues by themselves, issues outside the context of any broader principle. Put another way: If you support a couple of the right things for the wrong reasons, or for no reason at all, then you’ve made your problems much worse, whet… Continue reading

Apple vs. Obama

…wight D. Eisenhower. It’s the era of Obama, Hillary Clinton as well as anti-free speech Attorney General Loretta Lynch. The Obama administration asking for help in fighting a terrorist is the very same Obama administration whose Attorney General has threatened legal action against people who criticize Islam. Now think about this for a moment. The White House asks us to believe that all it wants to do is stop a terrorist. The whole point of fightin… Continue reading

New Precedent in Virginia: Warrants No Longer Required

…e kinds of people who founded America. We’re letting liberty go because we simply don’t wish to take the time to think in principle, and act on principle. At least not the majority of us. In a nation of lazy thinkers, it’s easy for the government to rationalize searching computers without a warrant as no different from police peering through a window with broken blinds, which also does not require a warrant. No such thing is true. Breaking into so… Continue reading

Whatever Happened to the Search for “Root Causes” of Crime?

…unded. See what you’ve created?” How about some inquiry into root causes of violence … real ones, this time?   Be sure to “friend” Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1      … Continue reading

Why Get Help?

…re totally determined by other forces — social, familial, biological — are simply wrong. As proof of this fact, look at the state of the world despite the unprecedented number of therapists, psychiatrists and self-help gurus. We’re getting worse. If you’re going to truly get help, you will need a different approach from what the mainstream is presently offering. Useful ideas about stress and time management In personal coaching with Dr. Hurd, you… Continue reading