9/11: Ten Years Later, America is Killing Itself

…sident puts a rational face on it all, as he plainly spins it in ways that simply do not correspond to even the most obvious facts. People nervously applaud him with the thought, ‘If our leader is so out of touch, what will become of us all?’ These are most certainly images of a nation committing suicide. The analogy, you might say, is not perfect. Usually a person committing suicide intends to do so — but not always. Consider a crack cocaine addi… Continue reading

Never Trumpers Gone Mad: George Will Wants Democrats Over Trump

…ividual rights, anti-First and Second Amendment, anti-capitalism, anti-love-of-life-on-earth Democratic socialists, survival is not an option. It’s not surprising to see Democrats virtue signal their hatred of Trump, since they stand for nothing and can only find “solidarity” in showing how much they hate Donald Trump for reasons they’re never able to rationally prove or intelligently name. It’s beyond surprising and downright disgusting to see Ne… Continue reading

“Helicopter Colleges” Confront Lack of “Grit” in Students

…gles to their teachers and others on campus who deal with students on a day-to-day basis. The lack of resilience is interfering with the academic mission of the University and is thwarting the emotional and personal development of students.” The themes showing up among students at Boston College and elsewhere around the country are as follows, according to counseling staff: Less resilient and needy students have shaped the landscape for faculty in… Continue reading

A Nation in Denial

…e currency and/or generate electronic currency into infinity, then why not simply put a million dollars into every American’s bank account immediately? And when they run out, replenish with another million. Nobody expects this. Yet it’s the very same premise as expanding government spending and debt into infinity. So Republicans get to be relieved that they don’t have to confront this fact. Then who will? Certainly not the Democrats. They spend an… Continue reading

Violent Crime is Going Up: Why?

…ment for which the police work — and get that government out of our lives, completely out, provided we are not violent offenders or frauds. It’s fashionable to rebel against the police right now. Rebelling against the police is like screaming at your lab technician (or your doctor) for your high sugar or high cholesterol numbers. It won’t change a thing. I’m not suggesting that guilty or bad police should not be held responsible for their actions…. Continue reading

Is Perfection Always Best?

…is trying to rationalize something for which there’s no excuse. Better to simply say, “There’s no excuse. I made a mistake.” This brings us to the subject of “perfectionism.” Most mental health experts define perfectionism as a series of false beliefs which include striving to be the best, to reach the ideal and to never make a mistake. But I have a problem with the negative implication here. There’s nothing unhealthy about striving to be the bes… Continue reading

If College is a Natural Right, Then Why Is It So Expensive?

…ent takes away most or all of the pain. Obama and others with his attitude completely ignore the relevance of the economic fact most responsible for the cost of anything: The law of supply and demand. If college tuition is escalating in cost every year, it must be for one fundamental reason: There’s too much demand for too little supply. The government sees itself as responsible for altering this trend. But the government cannot do it. The best th… Continue reading

Is “unconditional love” really what you want?

…t form of love because of the many holes in their knowledge prior to their complete intellectual and psychological development. This type of love, however, must involve limits and conditions. If your child helps you clean up the kitchen and drops a plate, for example, you will feel temporary irritation. In such a situation, it makes total sense to tell him afterwards, ‘Yes, I was aggravated when you dropped the plate, but I never stopped loving yo… Continue reading

Tax Collectors for the Welfare State

…nother. The wrong premise behind all the reaction over “party changing” of high-profile Republicans to the Democrat side is this: That there ever was a real difference between the two parties. There never really was, by and large, and there certainly wasn’t in the last decade or so. Republicans were, and remain, the party of the tax collectors for the welfare state. They usually oppose expansions of Big Government–at least when those expansions ar… Continue reading

Washington DC Has Literally Gone Insane

…ilarly, Obama’s answer to the $16 trillion (and growing) national debt is: Simply get rid of the requirement that the President must have permission to raise it. This is the equivalent of a known heroin or cocaine addict telling his credit card company, “Remove any and all limits on my credit card. And stop requiring me to pay on it, while you’re at it.” No individual would ever have such power. Obama wants this power for himself. America has reel… Continue reading

The Pros and Cons of Anxiety

…emselves to have—shields us from many dangers we would otherwise face. Put simply, it’s a hell of a lot less dangerous to live in a society with automobiles, grocery stores and satellite technology than to eke out an existence in a primitive jungle as a hunter-gatherer ‘Danger’ is an objective term, but also a contextual one. What we consider dangerous in a contemporary society is different from the dangers in daily life faced by a caveman, or som… Continue reading

Give Confrontation a Try. You might be Surprised!

…want to risk a confrontation.” The major error in this line of thinking is simply this: Confrontation need not be painful or irrational. Many people have had bad experiences with confrontation in the past and they fear the same will continue to happen. Not necessarily so! For example, if you had bad experiences with your parents, family or a romantic relationship, it is simply because you (and they) did not know any better. And it also possible yo… Continue reading