Why the GOP Debates Simply Do Not Matter

…have to reach into their hearts and minds for the solution — not to shallow, paid-off career politicians with little or nothing to offer. Tough choices are coming. The kind that try men’s souls.   Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Charleston SC). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @Mich… Continue reading

The Shamefulness of Shaming

…re easily intimidated. It also works with people of higher self-esteem who simply do not want a fight. What rational person really wants a fight? The shamer exploits either kind of person by using his or her toxic lexicon to wear the person down. A person with low self-esteem walks around in life with a sense of, “I’m really a fraud,” or “I’m basically a bad person,” and consequently bows down to the intimidation of a shamer. The sharp-tongued, in… Continue reading

Suffering is Not the Goal

…f personalities, martyrs and rescuers, frankly thrive on disasters. This applies to headline-making disasters, but also to the sorts of disasters and difficulties that can come up in private, everyday life. Some people moved to tears by their pain enjoy the attention and the sense of being considered a victim (a cardinal value in today’s culture) that comes from the disaster. Others, who thrive on control or the sick sense of superiority that come… Continue reading

Harvard Study Blasts Childhood Achievement

…sume that morality means selfless subservience to others. But nobody who accomplishes anything places selfless subservience to others at the top of their list. In fact, depending on what that selfless subservience might involve, it could even do harm. Imagine you were stranded on a desert island with a couple of other people. Perhaps one of the people with you is an expert on survival skills. What do you want that person to focus on first and fore… Continue reading

Lying On a Resume–Justified or Not?

…ycheck whereas last week I didn’t. It worked.” But what did you actually accomplish? You traded off one high-risk and difficult situation — unemployment — for another. At most, lying will buy you time. But what you get for that purchase is a level of risk and self-contempt that will stay with you forever, and will lead you into further lies because one lie always leads to the necessity of another, and another and another. You’ve heard that phrase,… Continue reading

Environmentalism Makes the Middle East Matter

…ng much of its legwork done by misguided members of the pro-human, pro-life-on-earth majority. Only when the gap between these two mindsets is explicitly and widely exposed will we reach the point where the environmentalist movement, as we know it, will become irrelevant. The majority will finally know to look to science and business, rather than ideology and political pressure groups, to help human beings evolve new forms of energy and keep the e… Continue reading

Loneliness: More a State of Mind than Reality

…te of loneliness? I’d love to see research tackle the issue from this point-of-view. Perhaps we’d get a more in-depth understanding of loneliness than simply writing it off as a disease; requiring more of the same old “solutions,” i.e., funding from the government, questionably effective self-help techniques and vague psychotherapies. My experience suggests that loneliness is a state of mind rather than a physical malady. It reflects facts of obje… Continue reading

Dr. Hurd Talks With a Veteran About PTSD, the VA and Much More

…tually is, and how you personally view or define it. Daniel Duffy: The post-deployment talks were pretty generic. They weren’t really mental health evaluations, just lectures on what to look out for, and where to seek help if you’re having trouble, basically. Yes, I think when it’s described as an automatic reaction it seems more reasonable. If we know that emotions are automatic value judgments, of course you’re going to have a negative automatic… Continue reading

Confidence But No Competence

…he needed, all along, and (2) always acted like she had it coming, interest-free or debt-free. There’s likewise nothing wrong with pain and suffering. Yes, that’s a shocking and unthinkable statement to most American parents, and I don’t expect to really convince anyone I’m right about this, although I’m certain I am. Pain and suffering are how we learn and grow. Each individual has to develop and take on this responsibility for him- or herself. Y… Continue reading

Election 2020: More Evidence of America’s Irreconcilable Differences

…ut the rest of the country. This kind of ignorance and self-destruction is simply not sustainable. Imagine the sort of PITIFUL LOSER who sits in a car in Wilmington, Delaware, in the middle of the night, hoping to see Joe Biden give a victory speech he can’t credibly deliver because his campaign orchestrated a vote-counting breakdown in Pennsylvania (and, apparently, North Carolina too.) And finally: This isn’t the 2000 election. That year, the vo… Continue reading