Can Obama Really Destroy America?

…olitician — not Obama, not any of them — can destroy the remnants of a semi-free economy in what was once a robust democratic republic. In a faltering democratic republic (now becoming a socialist democracy, like the Western European states), the people can only do this to themselves. What’s so disturbing about recent trends, culminating (not beginning) with the reelection of Obama is: The people are willingly doing it. This is the first election,… Continue reading

Capitalism Is Not a “System”. It’s Simply FREEDOM.

…e for voluntarily agreed upon prices.” [Peter Fithian] Spot on. Capitalism simply refers to economic freedom from government interference. It’s not a system, and it’s not obliged to be a system. The obligation is on government, busybodies and criminals to STAY THE HELL OUT OF OTHER PEOPLE’S LIVES. ***************** Unless your explicit goal is to destroy America, nobody can deny: The Biden Regime is a catastrophe. If the American republic somehow… Continue reading

He Who Understands Can Explain Simply (Einstein)

…If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough. — Albert Einstein You can follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1… Continue reading

About Dr. Hurd

…Up America!” (Washington, DC: Living Resources Press, 2000, ISBN: 0-9674218-0-2). Author, “Bad Therapy, Good Therapy (And How to Tell the Difference), (Rehoboth Beach DE: Living Resources Press, 2011, ISBN-10: 0967421861 ) Author of the booklet series titles: “Life in Plain English,” “Human Relationships in Plain English,” “Pop Psychology Debunked,” “Self-Esteem and Other Tools for Rational Living,” and “Dealing With Difficult People and Difficult… Continue reading

Government “Researchers” in Newsrooms?

…ch its “researchers” to newsrooms across America to seek their “voluntary” compliance about how news stories are decided, as well as “wade into office politics” looking for angry reporters whose story ideas were rejected as evidence of a shutout of minority views. Why do we even have a Federal Communications Commission in the first place? Supposedly (some claim), it was created to protect the property rights of radio broadcast (and later televisio… Continue reading

Come Clean, Costco

…ingly, supporters of D’Souza don’t appear to be crying censorship. They’re simply expressing their anger, as customers, that the head of a huge commercial chain would make such an overtly political decision — and then expect nobody to notice. It’s insulting to their customers, or at least the half of them who don’t agree with Jim Sinegal on his political views. Incredibly, the official Costco line has been that they don’t wish to sell any books no… Continue reading

Gallup Poll: Black “Well Being” Down Since Obama

…ld by the likes of Jefferson, Washington and Lincoln actually becomes. Put simply, the presidency will not matter as the United States comes to matter less and less as the inspiration for liberty and prosperity it once was. These Gallup polls suggest that for many black people, there was an invalid sense of “hope and change” when Obama got elected in 2008. Hence the initial emotional “stimulus.” However, as time went by it became clear that nothin… Continue reading

IRS and Benghazi Scandals Get Yawns: Is America Becoming Stupid?

…oups with the same form of review, Kadzik said. [reported by 10-23-15] Let’s get this straight. The Justice Department, charged with investigating the matter, acknowledges that IRS employees deliberately used politically charged keywords to select groups for review; but that this does not constitute evidence of bias. How is this not bias? If the IRS was found to deliberately seek out groups favoring civil rights for blacks, marriage fo… Continue reading

Hey, Jim Jefferies: Humor is Not an Argument for Gun Control

…couple of examples. In Chicago, where gun laws are very strict, people are simply ignoring them. That probably keeps crime from going even higher, although it turns more and more peaceful citizens into criminals. Undoubtedly, there are people foolish or self-negligent enough to own a gun without responsible care and attention. But why should the rights of those who are self-responsible, and who merely wish to survive, be curtailed for the sins of… Continue reading

Why Young People Don’t Vote Republican

…on, it’s not merely a matter of “tolerating” gay and lesbian couples; it’s simply a fact of reality. Why are these creepy candidates running as Republicans so obsessed with sex in the first place, especially given their support of smaller, less intrusive government? Charlie Cook is right on this point. A consistent party of limited government could be very successful with young people. There’s no reason why it should not capture the votes of at le… Continue reading

Obama’s Decline and Fall of the American Republic

…s an embarrassing travesty that they must answer to this man as a commander-in-chief. I suspect a lot of them feel this way, although they can’t say it aloud. In a way, the real enemy is ourselves (most of us, anyway). Smart and self-confident people would not have leaders like this in the first place. Rational people can make the distinction between acts of aggression and acts of self-defense. I’m sick of it being considered war-mongering to simp… Continue reading