Does Stephen Hawking Owe His Life to the British NHS?

…of education in the first place. There is no ‘free’ market co-existing side-by-side with a field nationalized by the government. While it’s true that some governments allow private competition with the government program, it doesn’t follow that the choices available are anything like they would be if government had stayed out of the field altogether. For one thing, far fewer people have money to spend because of the taxation required for the publi… Continue reading

Cuban Dictatorship: America’s New Friend

…s a dictatorship no differently from the government of a free (or even semi-free) country, it sends a powerful message. Among other things, it sends the message, “We don’t really care that much about our freedom. At least not enough to take a stand against those who deny it.” I imagine we’re supposed to take Alan Gross’ statements without question, because he’s the one who has endured the pain of the dictatorship by being a political prisoner. But… Continue reading

If America is No Longer Free, Soldiers Don’t Die for Freedom

…ile they attempt to protect those same loved ones overseas. Their commander-in-chief is a pervert and a puppet who signs executive orders and appoints judges to eviscerate our individual rights by the hour. Millions of Americans actually vote for and applaud the end of liberty, the liberty these men gave their lives for. What are members of the military dying for, these days? Is the land of the free just a dream, or a reality?     Follow Dr. Hurd… Continue reading

“Trickle-Down” Is Not Capitalism

…namic, free-market economy like we should have decades ago. Will anyone ever challenge Hillary Clinton, and her socialist comrades, on this point?   Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1 Check out Dr. Hurd’s latest Newsma… Continue reading

Why There’s No Such Thing as “Stealing American Jobs”

…ontinued growth that a functioning free market might provide. We whine and complain about fascist economies like China, while failing to look at our own, much more serious self-generated problems. Immigration is an important subject to tackle and address. However, it’s not the root of the problem. The root of the problem is that we don’t have a free market economy in America, and we have an entrenched welfare-entitlement state. If we repealed and… Continue reading

Doctors are Not Free to Speak Out Against Medical Fascism

…A major precedent has been established: Your medical care is now POLITICAL. Free medical care comes at a price. #NotMyDictatorship     Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1, drmichaelhurd on Instagram…. Continue reading

Terrorism Denial Syndrome

…e root of the problem must lie with the American people, a people who have simply gone to sleep on the issue of terrorism. History will record: In the years after 9/11, the American people went into denial on the subject of terrorism. But denial and evasion, while they might (temporarily) block something from your consciousness, cannot make it depart from reality. Reality exists whether you choose to recognize its existence, or not. You might not… Continue reading

Mainstream Economists Catch On: FDR Worsened the Great Depression

…rent mixture of government controls/subsidies/taxes along with free or semi-free markets. Whenever anything goes wrong, the market gets the blame, and more subsidies/controls are imposed. This leads to further insecurity and eventual upheavals, at which time markets again get the blame. This happened after the Great Depression and it also happened after the second worst economic upheaval, the economic crash of 2007-08. Like the Depression, that up… Continue reading

Disorders are not a free pass

…tribute to emotional states. So, is the writer’s relative making an excuse simply because she honestly acknowledges having bipolar symptoms? Not necessarily. The label is relevant, but it’s not the crucial issue with respect to personal responsibility. The crucial issue is whether she allows herself to recognize her free will, and her choice to validate or refute basic ideas. Psychiatrist Aaron Beck suggests that man is a practical scientist and p… Continue reading

Is Immigration Really a Right?

…ome first? Those who argue that immigrants come first are disingenuous and completely dishonest. They claim to care about helping the needy, and perhaps some do. But the people in charge (Hillary, Obama, all the rest) only wish to gain more votes, because of their confidence that millions of illegal immigrants granted amnesty will show gratitude for the instant citizenship and government benefits that follow (as they probably will.) Those who argu… Continue reading

“Four Freedoms”: Both FDR and Hillary Clinton are Wrong

…y assume that a “right” to not be afraid can translate to all kinds of anti-freedom and anti-liberty policies — such as the “right” not to be exposed to speech or ideas the government considers “hateful,” or otherwise against its political interests. The idea that one can or should have a “right” to be free from fear or want explains the development of the entitlement psychology in America, and why it has come to dominate our culture and governmen… Continue reading

Carrier, The Art of the Deal and the Real Meaning of Capitalism

…nt rules decisions that should have been left to the market. The answer is simply a free market. Anything Donald Trump and Congress can do in the next 2-4 years to make the market more free, less taxed and less regulated than it used to be will be a good thing. This, and this alone, will grow the economy. The art of the deal? It depends on what you mean by a deal. If a deal means greater economic freedom, including less taxation and regulation, th… Continue reading