If America is No Longer Free, Soldiers Don’t Die for Freedom

I read with great sadness about the death of two Navy SEALs earlier this month, defending the U.S. in the Persian Gulf. But then I ask myself: What or who are they defending? A free country? We don’t even have free elections any longer. Our federal government has opened the borders to scum and terrorists, so they may enter the U.S. and kill the loved ones of these SEALs while they attempt to protect those same loved ones overseas. Their commander-in-chief is a pervert and a puppet who signs executive orders and appoints judges to eviscerate our individual rights by the hour. Millions of Americans actually vote for and applaud the end of liberty, the liberty these men gave their lives for.

What are members of the military dying for, these days? Is the land of the free just a dream, or a reality?



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