“It’s All My Therapist’s Fault!”

…l the Difference,’ I say there are three approaches to therapy: One, ‘do-as-I-say’ dogmatism; two, ‘do-as-you-feel’ subjectivism; and three, an objective therapist who helps you identify and take responsibility for your actions using facts, reason and logic. It sounds like this therapist was a combination of the first two—each of those approaches an error, as I said. If you want to be angry with the therapist, be angry for that reason. But don’t b… Continue reading

The Problem With Republicans

…. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest.   Special Note: Re: Questions following Daily Dose of Reason at DrHurd.com. The ability to comment has been removed from DrHurd.com. The primary reason for this are the repeated insults, cursing and inane postings from those who resent some o… Continue reading

Dealing with Job Loss

…fter being laid off. It was very amusing, but it was also engaging and true-to-life. Most people have a natural desire to feel productive. Some do it for themselves, while some do it more for others. (That’s a separate discussion!) But nearly everyone wants to feel useful. That’s why retiring can be a crisis for many people. The issue is more than just ‘having nothing to do;’ that usually clears itself up after a while. The real problem becomes, ‘… Continue reading

Brian Williams vs. The Truth

…ind of deceit most people tolerate or take in stride, when it comes to life-or-death matters even more important than the news. Some who support Obama’s policies even rationalize such deceit in defense of what they think are morally superior health care policies. “The truth is whatever works.” Rather than what’s true. On what planet are any of us justified being surprised by Brian Williams in the context of such a cultural climate? Philosophically… Continue reading

What if ISIS Pushes Beyond the Middle East?

…are only getting worse. The supposedly sophisticated and intellectual point-of-view (personified by Obama) tells us that ISIS is merely a fringe element of Islam. Their motivation is not religious, but merely anger over Western (and particularly American) “imperialism” (translation: being more successful and happier.) And they certainly are not hell-bent on world domination, we’re told. They only care about protecting their homelands. That’s what… Continue reading

Bernie Sanders: “Socialist Surge”…or Last Gasp?

…ternal forces? Objectively speaking, Greece’s crisis is a debt crisis. Put simply, the Greek government has made way more promises to its citizens than it could ever possibly keep. It’s easy for a government to promise unlimited security, benefits and insurance, for all eternity. It’s a lot harder to deliver. For one thing, it’s not the government or the politicians who deliver the loot; it’s the hated producers, the “rich,” along with anyone who’… Continue reading

Low Self-Esteem at Colleges (Even Harvard): What’s Going On?

…teacher (even a liberal one, in his case) with rebukes, reprisals, formal complaints and even unemployment. Although Schlosser does not identify the basic problem, he’s talking about the primacy of emotions over reason, objectivity and truth. He’s also talking about the growing dominance of the victim mentality. The press for actionability, or even for comprehensive analyses that go beyond personal testimony, is hereby considered redundant, since… Continue reading

Progressive Ideas: Not Just Wrong, But Potentially Deadly

…d parking tickets down 90% since the shootings. It makes sense. A commander-in-chief cannot have control of his forces without their respect. It’s easy to understand why the police do not respect Mayor de Blasio. He rode to office on the idea that racism is an institutionalized part of society, including the police force. Up to only a couple of months prior to the shooting of New York City police officers, he appeared with charlatan Al Sharpton an… Continue reading

Mistrust and Forget About Verify

…omes to their views on dissension in a free society, they have a surprising number of things in common.     Be sure to “friend” Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1… Continue reading

Education Reimagined by Salman Khan

…o make the case for the privatization of schools. Nevertheless, his book accomplishes both goals. His successful methods for teaching children via a combination of online YouTube videos, self-directed/adult-monitored study and unstructured collaboration with other students in class settings, caught the attention of no less than Microsoft founder Bill Gates, who utilized Khan’s program to supplement education for his own children. Khan started in a… Continue reading

“Green New Deal” Counts on Elimination of the Middle Class

…ee health care. Somebody has to pay for them, and the wealthiest 1 percent simply don’t have enough. Bernie Sanders has already been forced to admit the middle class will pay for their own “free” health care. So much for being Santa Claus to millions. For millions of people to support Democrats — who are now full-blown socialists, if not Communists — there has to be a LOT of ignorance out there. It’s truly shameful. I knew our schools and universi… Continue reading

Leftist Puritans Want You to Stop Using A.C.

…examples. It’s really sick. And it’s really wrong. Stop listening to Leftist Puritans. They’re bad for your health, and for your world.   Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1, and see drmichaelhurd on Instagram…. Continue reading