Liberalism to Its Ultimate Conclusion

…e and inadequate. We already know they’re free. Let’s pass a law requiring higher quality. Let’s do the same for airports, airlines and everything else society requires for its survival. Doctors should be more competent. Let’s pass a law requiring doctors to be more competent. That will eliminate the need for malpractice insurance — although that doesn’t really matter, because malpractice insurance won’t any longer cost anything (see above law). L… Continue reading

“Reforming” Government a Toxic Fantasy

…ese things more efficiently.” The fact is: Most of what government does is completely unjustified. Its functions are specified nowhere in the U.S. Constitution. A great deal of what even the American government does is initiate force against its own citizens, people who were otherwise and previously not coercing anybody to do anything. Originally, this started out as an attempt by government to “take care of” its people. This is why Social Securit… Continue reading

Entitled Americans Seek Santa Claus, Not Freedom

…ing that pie). The worse things become, the more the entitlement mentality simply runs into a brick wall of reality. There’s nothing about economic prosperity that makes the entitlement mentality inevitable. But once the government establishes something as a “right,” people tend not to question their entitlement to that “right” ever again. If automobiles were established as a legal right tomorrow, then twenty years from now you wouldn’t find a per… Continue reading

I Wish Republicans Were A Lot Meaner

…Republicans. Donald Trump did. Now it’s time for the rest of you to do the same.   See tons of brand new podcasts HERE! Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1… Continue reading

Occasional Cortext: Hates Capitalism, LOVES Capital

…y‘ve requested, clearly, to voice their concerns.”   Socialists like Occasional Cortex SO hate capitalism. But they SO want its money.   Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1, and see “Michael Hurd” on MeWe…. Continue reading


…your relaxation time better, even if the quantity is somewhat smaller. By ‘quality’ I mean a feeling of satisfaction while you are relaxed, rather than an ever-present sense of guilt over what you should be doing, but aren’t doing as you ‘relax.’ It’s very bad to have relaxation/refueling become associated with guilt. The two should not be mixed, and don’t have to be. Either you have objectively earned the relaxation time, or you haven’t. (You hav… Continue reading

Anti-White Supremacy Just as Bad as White Supremacy

…it and productivity are diminished or eliminated. It’s the same with racism-in-reverse (which is still racism). Affirmative action, for example, orders businesses to make profit secondary to having a certain quota of people who are of a certain race (or gender, or some other victim group). This is no more economic, or profitable, than the opposite racial ideas which preceded it. Why is this so hard to understand? It’s time to move beyond slavery a… Continue reading

Free Will: The Engine of Mental Health

…f recording new ‘tapes’ over the old ones. We all possess the ability to re-program our minds, where we judge it necessary and desirable. With repeated effort, we can replace the undesirable thoughts, ideas, and actions with ones we judge to be desirable. Examples? Making and maintaining a hierarchy of priorities and values. Any of us can decide (with cool, objective detachment) what’s most important to us, what’s moderately important, and what’s… Continue reading

What’s Wrong With President Trump’s July 4 Military Show?

…nd freedom. Whether President Trump always takes the exact right (i.e., pro-freedom, pro-individual rights) position on every issue is not the point. The point is that freedom is HIS overriding premise — and it’s NOT the overriding premise of the socialist, statist media/elite establishment. For that reason, shows of force under any Republican president who shares the premise that America is a great nation because of its respect for individual rig… Continue reading

An Rx for Depression: Turn off TV News! (DE Wave)

…No news network will ever do that for you. TONS OF NEW PODCASTS WITH DR. HURD AND TRUMP ASSOCIATE ROB ARLETT…CLICK HERE! Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1… Continue reading

Depressed? Turn off TV news!

…o profitable for news networks to only talk about the negative: Because people eat it up. If people tuned it out in mass numbers, the networks would change. But we don’t, so they won’t. It helps to understand how the mind works and what causes emotions. The computer age spawned a great saying: ‘garbage in, garbage out,’ and that gets to the root of it. If you constantly put negative thoughts and facts into your mind, with no balance or perspective… Continue reading

Watching D.C. is Like Watching a Bad Marriage

…n skyrocket. Most people say they’re sick of ‘ideology’ and politics. They simply want the government officials to ‘come together and fix the problem.’ OK, then. But doesn’t coming together and ‘fixing the problem’ imply a rational assessment of all the relevant facts? Look at the most relevant fact. The government takes in far, far less than it spends. The conventional solution to this problem is ‘raise taxes on the rich.’ In 2008, both president… Continue reading