If 80 Percent of Voters Want Free Speech, Why Don’t We Have It?

…ense of one’s own virtue. That’s the thing that has to be defeated. The challenge for today’s liberty-lovers is to figure out how.     Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1, drmichaelhurd on Instagram…. Continue reading

Obama’s Kind of Immigrants

…g to offer moochers and parasites. In America 2013, the equation is almost completely reversed. America still offers elements of freedom, although those are fading fast under the reign of Barack. The only reason America still holds appeal to reasonable, honest and self-responsible immigrants is that the rest of the world is still more corrupted by rotten governments than our own. (That may soon change, given America’s current downward spiral.) Ame… Continue reading

Health Insurance Premiums to Skyrocket: What Next, America?

…icine. Enter Obamacare. Obamacare said, “We’re going to control the market completely now. Private consumers and business owners cannot be trusted.” And this is what you get: Kev Coleman, head of research and data at HealthPocket, said 2016 will be the first year people are seeing true Affordable Care Act rates since the first two years were artificially low. There was little data for 2015’s proposed prices, CNBC wrote, because the prices had to b… Continue reading

The VA Scandal Should Be No Surprise

…ision of quality, but merely going through the motions fostered by politics-as-usual so they may continue to expand their budgets. And it continues to work for them, because American voters will not (as of yet) demand or permit any significant alternative to government’s present involvement in medical care. According to Newsmax.com [5/20/14], The Washington Post is saying that the Obama Administration knew about problems in VA facilities during th… Continue reading

Medicare’s Broke, and For-Profit Medicine is the Answer

…. This is more than mathematics and economics. This is very real, in a down-to-earth kind of way. Doctors and hospitals are increasingly dependent on a failing, bankrupt national health program. This is not in the interest of patients. You can blame politicians all you want; but the real problem here is that we have substituted politicians for the marketplace. It doesn’t work and it’s not right. The central concern in Congress is saving Medicare m… Continue reading

Pay off your Sleep Debt!

…over? When you’re rushing, it might feel like you’re ‘multitasking’ and accomplishing something good. But, after the dust settles, you’ve often forgotten things, made mistakes and had to do things over. Some people rush because they want to be efficient and get as much done as possible. Yet, rushing often accomplishes just the opposite. Relax! You might get fewer things done, but you’ll get them done better the first time. Sometimes people feel t… Continue reading

Stop & Think

…fails 999 times, and if he succeeds once, he’s in. He treats his failures simply as practice shots. – Charles F. Kettering Find something you’re passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it. – Julia Child Life itself is the proper binge. – Julia Child Compassion is no substitute for justice. – Rush Limbaugh If Thomas Jefferson thought taxation without representation was bad, he should see how it is with representation. – Rush Limbaugh… Continue reading

Do Friends and Family Who Support Tyranny Deserve Your Love?

…ocial media] daily. They add laughing emojis and wish death upon those not complying to this totalitarian regime we are seeing first hand. I’ve had people say to me….I’ve lost friends over my beliefs and I respond and say…they were never your friend to begin with…people are exposing themselves daily as horrible humans and I find it rather disturbing. I too have lost people I cared about but I also realize my focus isn’t on what was it’s on what ne… Continue reading

How to Beat ObamaCare…Without Beating ObamaCare

…” at dpcare.org. I’m not endorsing this particular website or company. I’m simply using it as an illustration of what may yet come in health care — and had better come, if we’re to survive the legalistic and bureaucratic monstrosity our federal government has taken years to build. Direct Primary Care states the following on its website: America needs more primary care providers, but with today’s fee-for-service insurance model, primary care has li… Continue reading

Happiness Down to Its Essentials (Part 1 of 2)

…to their happiness. OR, (version ‘B’), happy people tend to be relatively complacent, lazy. (This is the familiar ‘Fall of Rome syndrome.’) So maybe too much happiness is a bad thing? Dr. Hurd: I believe the ancient Greeks distinguished between short-range pleasure and long-range happiness. It’s not that short-range pleasure is always bad, but if long-range happiness is ignored in the pursuit of short-range pleasure, your life becomes a mess, mat… Continue reading

Does Zuckerberg Believe His Own B.S.?

…xt leftist government to rule in Washington DC. They will impose censorship and their own version of dictatorship voluntarily. Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1     m-users/… Continue reading

The Frantic Need to Keep Kids Busy (DE Coast Press)

…he children conflict (and to some degree they usually do), then one parent simply has to slow down and give the children the time they need, at least in the first five to ten years of their lives. Of course, financial climates fluctuate, and clients ask me how parents can cut back without having the child miss out on beloved hobbies, sports, etc. Part of encouraging a good intellectual and psychological atmosphere means a “quality over quantity” m… Continue reading