Will Americans Discover Their “Inner Libertarian”?

…oliticians exist for a reason; because they represent the established point-of-view. Less government in the abstract? “Sure.” Cut any actual program? “No way! Somebody might need that; I might need that. Tamper with Social Security and Medicare? Are you crazy?” Says Johnson: “So we are two governors that have curved in heavily blue states as Republicans. We’re small government guys, but we’re also socially liberal. And I think that’s the makeup of… Continue reading

Veteran Suicides: Could the VA Be Part of the Problem?

…yone else in society. It’s cruel and sadistic, if you really take a moment to think about it. But then, so is absolutely everything about socialism. Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1 Check out Dr. Hurd’s latest Newsma… Continue reading

Obamacare Was Never Supposed to Work

…portunity to negotiate with each other on how to finance medical care; and completely deregulating the medical industry so that market forces (supply, demand, consumer preference, for-proit incentives)—not political edicts financed by the highest bidder in political donations—will determine the outcome. It’s doubtful that Obama and Obamacare supporters ever expected the law to work. It’s frankly naïve to think they did. They wanted single-payer, g… Continue reading

Americans are Destroying America

…e words of his sound: ‘You may have noticed that there’s one thing I don’t complain about: Politicians. Everybody complains about politicians. Everybody says, ‘They suck.’ But where do people think these politicians come from? They don’t fall out of the sky. They don’t pass through a membrane from another reality. No, they come from American homes, American families, American schools, American churches, American businesses, and they’re elected by… Continue reading

The Socialization of Children

…children are far surpassing public school children in terms of academic accomplishment. What’s interesting is that this does not matter to most people. Their reaction is, “Homeschooling doesn’t properly socialize children.” The assumption is that socializing is the most important task of education and yet, as you point out, public schools are putting out children who don’t know how to think, and therefore cannot rationally interact with others. I… Continue reading

America’s Politics Hits Bottom

…ma’s economic program will pass in its entirety. Three years from now, unemployment will be higher, the economy will still be in recession and the debt — from the spending of Obama’s program — will rise to the trillions and America will be unable to finance any further debt. The government and the economy will spiral into the biggest crisis ever. Still, at least half the country still sides with Obama and he will be the favorite for reelection.” T… Continue reading

Wishing Away Facts and Calling It “Compromise”

…Biden, is based on this desire to resolve an impossible contradiction. Put simply, you cannot have your capitalism and eat it, too. In all the uproar over the debt crisis in Washington D.C., we forget that this crisis was created by actual people. These people include politicians in both parties and (gasp!) the voters themselves. A majority of Americans continue to insist, “No new taxes! Cut spending! Well … not THAT program; I like that program.”… Continue reading

Looters Skip the Middleman

…n legally sanctioned looting. Once that wealth redistribution is cut back, simply because the money has run out, then what’s to stop people from looting by any other means? If members of Parliament are allowed to take from any group they want, then why can’t the people, out in the streets, do the same? That’s the sham and hypocrisy of expressing outrage over looting. Looting IS outrageous, but the only people entitled to condemn it are those who c… Continue reading

If ObamaCare Is Unconstitutional, Then Why Isn’t Medicare?

…Security as if these programs were the sun, the moon, or the sky. They’re simply existential givens. But they’re no such thing. For better or worse, they are man-made schemes that require the coercion of a supposedly free people in order to make them ‘work.’ People on both sides of the ObamaCare debate stubbornly refuse to recognize that the coercion of ObamaCare has been with us for many decades now. The coercion and force of government entitlem… Continue reading

Why Just Health Care? Why Not Unlimited EVERYTHING for All?

…f money grows on trees and in the wishes and fantasies of politicians who care nothing for real people and only for power. Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1    … Continue reading

ObamaCare: The “Final Solution” for the Enslavement of Medicine

…nment never went away. ObamaCare is the Final Solution in the direction of complete socialism. If you didn’t like the partial socialism of Medicare and Medicaid, you’re not going to like the full and complete socialism of ObamaCare that’s going to take effect insidiously in another three years or so. The liberal writer of this question objects to government redistributing wealth to hospitals and doctors in ways that are ‘unfair.’ Isn’t this what M… Continue reading

Government Doesn’t Cure Diseases! Science Does

…research in the first place. The Constitution does not provide for brain research, nor research in general, and Gingrich knows this. Conservatives are quick to point out — and I agree with them — that ObamaCare is not in the Constitution, but neither is any particular kind of research for health. Actually, the worst thing we can do to science and medical research is politicize it. The minute government money is involved, science becomes politicize… Continue reading