Have We Failed Our Veterans?

…ffairs to address the issue. But those efforts have remained halting and incomplete, critics say. If the Veterans Administration is unwilling and unable to provide adequate medical care for obvious physical problems, how can we expect this single-payer system of socialized medicine to “address” the more elusive problem of suicide? A big part of the problem is that the veterans of the unit, like hundreds of thousands of other young veterans, fall b… Continue reading

Self-Employment: The Buck Stops with You

…has undesirable characteristics, that’s fine. But if you dislike your boss simply because he or she is your boss, then it’s time to step back and reconsider. The point is simple: The reason you have a boss is because you’re unable or unwilling to be self-employed at this time. If you were self-employed, you’d answer directly to your customers. Your boss, especially in a large company, serves as a buffer between you and the customers. In other word… Continue reading

Inside the School Shooter’s Mind

…e ability and willingness to see reality and existence from another’s point-of-view. Empathy is part of what prevents a normal person from ever considering the initiation of force against another. Respect for that person’s rights — “I have no right to take another’s life” — is part of the core belief. But what weaves and holds that core belief together is the quality of empathy, which means imagining how horrifying it would be to the others you’re… Continue reading

Marxism Turning California into a 21st Century Ghost Town

…arnings. The more you wallop the private sector with high taxes, impossible-to-follow and inherently unjust regulations and all the rest of the policies based ultimately on Marxism, the more the middle class declines. The more the middle class declines, the more you hear the complaints now coming out of California: It’s too expensive to live there. Progressivism also makes victims out of people who are usually not victims, people such as the homel… Continue reading

Most Employment IS Self-Employment

…has undesirable characteristics, that’s fine. But if you dislike your boss simply because he or she is your boss, then it’s time to step back and reconsider. The point is simple: The reason you have a boss is because you’re unable or unwilling to be self-employed at this time. If you were self-employed, you’d answer directly to your customers. Your boss, especially in a large company, serves as a buffer between you and the customers. In other word… Continue reading

Who’s the Boss (DE Wave)

…has undesirable characteristics, that’s fine. But if you dislike your boss simply because he or she is your boss, then it’s time to step back and reconsider. The point is simple: The reason you have a boss is because you’re unable or unwilling to be self-employed at this time. If you were self-employed, you’d answer directly to your customers. Your boss, especially in a large company, serves as a buffer between you and the customers. In other word… Continue reading

Not Your Granddaddy’s Democrat Party — Nor Even Your Daddy’s

…is no conceivable scenario in which I would vote for Kamala Harris. I just simply will not do it.” — Bret Weinstein Good for you, sir. Maybe now the things that people like me were saying over the past decades don’t seem so insane. In the Clinton years, people like me said the Democratic Party was on the path to socialism. During the Obama years, people like me said we were on the path to totalitarian Communism. People like you, back then, said, “… Continue reading

SOS Liberty: Young People Oppose the Generational Theft of Obama’s Big Government

…e even bother to have a currency at all? We could just have the government simply mandate everything that everyone wants and needs, and do away with ‘the economy’ altogether. Clearly, it does not and cannot work that way. Politicians know this, but they’re not willing to tell the American people that they must face the truth: The federal government is way beyond bankrupt. I won’t claim that SOS Liberty (or any group) is right about everything, and… Continue reading

One Major Reason Not to Hate Your Boss

…has undesirable characteristics, that’s fine. But if you dislike your boss simply because he or she is a boss, then you ought to reconsider. The reason you have a boss is because you’re unable, or unwilling, to be self-employed at this time. If you were self-employed, you’d answer directly to your customers. Your boss, especially in a large company, represents a buffer between you and the customers. In other words, your boss has more responsibilit… Continue reading

The Pope and Environmentalism: A Marriage Made in Hell

…ndustry-induced environmental degradation. [usnews.com 6/16/15]   It makes complete logical sense that the Pope and hard core advocates of government nationalization of fossil fuels would stand unified. Think about it. The Pope maintains that all of Earth’s resources belong not to man, but to God. Environmentalists likewise maintain that “Mother Earth’s” resources are public property, not the property of those who actually own them and distribute… Continue reading

Trump’s Choice for FCC: The Free Market Not Dead Yet

…oes not benefit “all companies” against the consumer. The free marketplace simply leaves consumers and companies free to work out what’s best for them. When government steps in and dictates in its typical “one-size-fits-all” fashion how consumers should act, feel, and choose, then consumers are (1) insulted and (2) denied their individual rights, as consumers, to choose the companies and services they want. You never hear that side of the story. W… Continue reading

Let’s Really Understand What Freedom of Speech Means

…ng freedom of speech on college campuses is to withdraw government funding completely and, if possible, immediately. We will always have irrational, Marxist, politically correct and otherwise anti-intellectual types in the field of academia. But we don’t have to force taxpayers to fund them. Let them convince people to fund their toxic and pernicious ideas voluntarily. That will keep them on the margins where they belong, and the only place where… Continue reading