“The Free World Isn’t Free” (Daniel Jupp)

…only shaken, not broken, your chief desire that of peace, and compromise, and moderation….then you are no fucking use to anyone.”     Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1, drmichaelhurd on Instagram…. Continue reading

Liberty: The License to Be Free

…y they hope to eliminate. Human beings need liberty in order to think. Put simply, man does not think at gunpoint, nor under the nagging of a preening, peering politician or bureaucrat. Man is a rational animal, a being of volitional consciousness who’s never going to survive, much less produce, without being free to exercise his reasoning. In a society that restricts liberty, reason tends to go underground. In a society that upholds liberty and i… Continue reading

No Gun-Free Zones for Hillary

…of knowing whether you own a gun, or not. If all of America were made a gun-free zone, the criminal would know the green light exists to go after an unarmed population. The same goes for terrorists. The sneering scowls of people who say things like, “You don’t own a gun, do you?” Or, “You don’t oppose gun control, do you?” reveal their heartless hypocrisy, as Trump puts it. And Hillary Clinton’s position is heartless. She, and others like her, are… Continue reading

Even Free Speech Troubles Some People

…or you to understand? Your letter demonstrates that you can form thoughts, complete sentences and articulate abstract ideas in writing. This shows me you are intelligent. Nobody with even this much intelligence could fail to understand the distinction between thoughts and action. Clearly, you do understand it. But you don’t care about it. If you don’t like an idea, then you want the speaker to be silenced. But what if I don’t like an idea that you… Continue reading

Left-Wing Tech Giants are NOT the Product of a Free Market

…rse they tell Twitter and Facebook what not to post, and that they usually comply. Twitter and Facebook openly acknowledge this, and Facebook’s Zuckerberg has literally begged for “regulation” — meaning censorship. Facebook literally wants their company to be the monopolistic Government Bureau of Speech — while still making their billions in profits of course. This is NOT a free market! This is (strictly speaking) fascism, the system where nominal… Continue reading

Why Dr. Ben Carson is NOT the anti-Obama on Health Care

…ical professionals, could establish fair and consistent remuneration. To accomplish this, essentially all of the insurance companies would have to become non-profit service organizations with standardized, regulated profit margins. This is not the paradigm that I see for all businesses, [but] is uniquely appropriate for the health-insurance industry, which deals with people’s lives and quality of existence. That may sound radical, but is it as rad… Continue reading

Irrational Fears + Magical Thinking = Trouble (DE Wave)

…ell the Difference” (available at www.DrHurd.com by the way), outlines step-by-step methods of being brutally honest with yourself about what you’re feeling, including ways to challenge your feelings when they’re wrong. All this empowers you to live your life fully and take on challenges in spite of your fears. The most common mistake I see people make is to avoid things for no other reason than unfounded and baseless fear. It’s sort of like wanti… Continue reading

“Liberals”…Where Have You Gone?

…wise I will jail you.” One more stop, and we’re all the way there. America should never have come this close. Regardless of where you stand on global warming, you really ought to have a strong opinion about this Senator’s appalling remarks, if you value your freedom of speech. If and when it goes completely, don’t say you weren’t warned. Be sure to “friend” Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute… Continue reading

Pope Francis’ Guilt Trip

…is: Shake his finger at us and exclaim, “How dare you be so comfortable, accomplished and successful! You selfish pigs! Renounce your comforts and give them up for the poor, for your neighbor, (your Pope, your President) for society, for God — anybody or anything but yourselves.” He’s more explicit about it — but that’s what he’s after. Before leaving Havana, Cuba, the Pope said: “If you are without sin, throw the first stone, but only on that con… Continue reading

Why Be So Afraid of Fear? (DE Coast Press)

…ll the Difference” (available at www.DrHurd.com, by the way), outlines step-by-step methods of being brutally honest with yourself about what you’re feeling, including ways to challenge your feelings when they’re wrong. All this empowers you to live your life fully and take on challenges in spite of your fears. The most common mistake I see people make is to avoid things for no other reason than unfounded fear. It’s sort of like wanting material t… Continue reading

Inhibitions Can Grow Out of Fear

…ll the Difference” (available at www.DrHurd.com, by the way), outlines step-by-step methods of being brutally honest with yourself about what you’re feeling, including ways to challenge your feelings when they’re wrong. All this empowers you to live your life fully and take on challenges in spite of your fears. The most common mistake I see people make is to avoid things for no other reason than unfounded fear. It’s sort of like wanting material t… Continue reading