Fear & Magical Thinking

…e Difference” (available only at www.DrHurd.com, by the way), outlines step-by-step methods of being brutally honest with yourself about what you’re feeling, including ways to challenge your feelings when they’re wrong. All this empowers you to live your life fully and take on challenges in spite of your fears. The most common mistake I see people make is to avoid things for no other reason than unfounded fear. It’s sort of like wanting material t… Continue reading

College Tuition: The Next Great Bubble

…p doing what we’re doing, college tuition will continue to increase. If we simply do more of it, then tuition will go even higher. On our present path, the only possible outcome are even higher costs, more defaults on loans, and still higher costs. If you doubt what I’m saying, simply look at what has been happening for the last 30 years or more. I’m not suggesting there’s a utopia where college would ever be cheap. It probably would not be, becau… Continue reading

A Little Bit of War is a Dangerous Thing

…Brilliant! They used to say that war is hell. In the new military, war is simply stressful. Assad is estimated to have more than 1,000 tons of chemical weapons. Any plans to secure them would require Special Operations and boots on the ground — and neither is on the table right now, according to Pentagon officials. So let me get this straight. The whole reason we’re going to war with Syria is to retaliate against and/or prevent their use of chemi… Continue reading

“House of Cards” About to Become More Expensive

…ed we so claim to hate resolves this; at least it does so in a free or semi-free marketplace. That’s why you see the cost of things like smart phones and laptop computers go down, over time. While demand for these things goes up, the greedy desire of businesses to make a profit leads them to ensure that supply keeps up with demand. That’s how basic economics works. So the exact opposite of what you’ve been taught is true. Greed ultimately makes th… Continue reading

Censorship vs. The Washington Redskins

…an issue involving a lack of substance — a lack of substance of which the complainant is on some level aware, in my view. Reid states that the term “Redskins” is disparaging to the American people. I’m an American person, and I don’t feel disparaged by it. I’m sure plenty of others don’t. If he only means a disparagement to certain American people, then he should say so. Most likely, he means it’s disparaging to people of American Indian descent…. Continue reading

Obamacare Catastrophe: Take 1

…things right. ‘We’re giving away other people’s money. Who has a right to complain?’ This is the unspoken but entirely rational incentive of the government, from the President on down, since their ‘business’ is simply one of taking money from some people and redistributing it to others. When common criminals do this we (usually) arrest them and put them on trial. When 51 percent of the population does this to 49 percent of the population, we call… Continue reading

Republicans Have Got to Get Real About Millennials

…r the privacy of your life or the amount of your bank account. These are timeless — and ageless — values.     Be sure to “friend” Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1    … Continue reading

Occupy Hong Kong May Be America’s Future

…y have a federal government in Washington D.C. every bit as unaccountable as the one presently in Beijing.   Be sure to “friend” Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1  … Continue reading

Yay! “Brosurance” is Here!

…ster, and we are not his slaves. We are responsible for our own destinies, whether it’s buying a house, a car, a computer, or a doctor’s services. Medical care should all be left up to consumers and service providers—doctors and patients—in a totally free and unregulated marketplace. Freedom of competition and for-profit incentives to please customers will do a much better job controlling prices than government edicts ever did. You think that soun… Continue reading

Two Strikes Against Donald Trump

…capitalism, free markets and property rights. In these two instances, Trump has shown himself to be neither. Be sure to “friend” Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1    … Continue reading

Totalitarian Internet, Anyone?

…r improper government control which in turn paves the way, ultimately, for complete and total control of the Internet by the government. The deeper issue here is that the good or the decent have nothing to gain from the evil or corrupt. A free country’s government has nothing to gain from compromising or granting “equal voice” to the totalitarian regimes who openly practice censorship, on the Internet and elsewhere. The Obama administration doesn’… Continue reading

Smugness: Counterfeit Confidence

…ensive satisfaction with oneself or with one’s situation; self-righteously complacent.” [freedictionary.com] “An often unjustified feeling of being pleased with oneself or with one’s situation or achievements (the sense of smugness that can come with too many easy victories)” [Merriam-Webster] “Excessively self-satisfied or complacent.” [Dictionary.com] Some synonyms of smugness: aloofness, audacity, haughtiness, pretentiousness, arrogance, concei… Continue reading