Hillary Clinton: Government Creates Jobs, Not Business

…, it has failed rather spectacularly.” See the video for yourself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nbFYP3xB6k#t=27 If corporations and businesses (large and small) don’t create jobs, then who does? If a small business opens in your town, and the business posts a sign saying, “Help Wanted,” then who is responsible for this? There’s no government mandate or law requiring the business to offer a job. There’s no official in the state’s or nation’s ca… Continue reading

Don Draper and the Psychology of “Write It Down”

…o do, and yet once done, one of the most effective. An online columnist at www.ririanproject.com sums up the concept: “…Instead of thinking of a journal as a diary … in which you merely relate the day’s events, think of it as a container for self-reflection, self-expression and self-exploration. The act of writing something down always makes it more real and more concrete than merely thinking it.” It all comes down to living the examined life. We… Continue reading

Faith vs. Reason in the Minds of Children

…behavioral issues most of them do. It’s no mystery why most of them seek to blindly rebel against … what? They really don’t know. I see it in my office every day. Source: “Researchers: Children exposed to religion have difficulty distinguishing fact from fiction,” www.rawstory.com 7/18/14 Be sure to “friend” Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and en… Continue reading

A Rarely Considered Question on Climate Change Research

…riod.) Once freed from the (implied or explicit) government requirement to come up with particular results, what do you think would happen? If the case for climate change is as decisive and irrefutable as we’re told, then the evidence will speak for itself. If Coleman is wrong or paranoid in his claim, then the non-government-funded research will presumably produce more or less the same results as the billion dollar government research is convenie… Continue reading

The Addict’s Attempted Short-Cut to Happiness

…ds that interest you, and as a consequence increased ability and self-confidence. 6. The noblest, most moral activity I can do is to live for others. Charity, not accomplishment, represents the essence of goodness. It’s OK if I don’t do anything with my life, so long as I’m nice to others. Antidote: The noblest, most moral activity you can do is to live for yourself, and those closest to you whom you value the most. By using your mind productively… Continue reading

ADHD: the Party’s Over (DE Wave)

…Therapy, Good Therapy (and How to Tell the Difference)” (available only at www.DrHurd.com). ADHD describes nothing more than a pattern of behaviors – symptoms, not causes. Yet, this convenient catch-all “disease” has been classified as a psychiatric disorder. Psychiatric disorders, by definition, refer to problems in thinking and/or emotional states. ADHD has enjoyed a decade-long free ride being treated exactly as if it were a medical disorder. W… Continue reading

Obamacare’s Free Medical Care — Only $50,000 a Head!

…and there’s no quick fix. But we’ve reached the dead end of socialism and Communism with these CBO figures already coming out. More to follow. What’s the right health care reform? Privatization. Privatization. Privatization. Lifting controls. Deregulation. Phasing out of subsides. Completely and totally opening up the market for health care. Put a time limit on Medicaid and Medicare. Debate what the time limit should be, but have one, and mean it… Continue reading

The Psychology of Britain’s National Health Service

…rely for advocating such a thing, and that’s the end of it. The reality is completely different. A socialized system — of medical care, most of all — is based on command-and-control, piles of red tape and lack of accountability. Patients feel contempt for their doctors and doctors feel contempt for their patients. Neither works for the other. Everyone is a ward or slave for the State. 6. Sentimentality. We tend to still our own fears about hospita… Continue reading

Psychological Labels Describe, But Do Not Explain (DE Wave)

…minimally appropriate. Obviously there was more going on here than just a complaint over raised voices. We hear all the time about road rage that becomes violent, or verbal and physical attacks from strangers over insignificant things. Why are some people on such a hair-trigger? Well (surprise, surprise), some members of my profession (much to the satisfaction of clever criminal lawyers) have turned this irresponsible lack of self-control into a… Continue reading

So You Want to Be a Therapist (DE Coast Press)

…“Bad Therapy, Good Therapy (And How to Tell the Difference),” available at www.DrHurd.com. Emotions can be slow and difficult to change, especially when they stem from irrational or false beliefs absorbed early in life. In my view, my friend’s childhood years did not “form” him as such. He is not damaged goods. And hopefully, if he becomes a therapist, he won’t encourage his future clients in to view themselves in that way. Whenever someone asks,… Continue reading