Irrational Fears + Magical Thinking = Trouble (DE Wave)

…, “Bad Therapy, Good Therapy and How to Tell the Difference” (available at by the way), outlines step-by-step methods of being brutally honest with yourself about what you’re feeling, including ways to challenge your feelings when they’re wrong. All this empowers you to live your life fully and take on challenges in spite of your fears. The most common mistake I see people make is to avoid things for no other reason than unfounded a… Continue reading

Ben Carson Hits an Islamic Nerve

…would not agree with that,” Carson told NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday. [ 9-20-15] “On Monday, September 21 (at 11 .am.), the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, will hold a news conference at its Capitol Hill headquarters to call on Republican candidate Ben Carson to withdraw from the presidential race for saying today that Islam is “inconsistent” wit… Continue reading

Pope Francis’ Guilt Trip

…on a daily basis: Shake his finger at us and exclaim, “How dare you be so comfortable, accomplished and successful! You selfish pigs! Renounce your comforts and give them up for the poor, for your neighbor, (your Pope, your President) for society, for God — anybody or anything but yourselves.” He’s more explicit about it — but that’s what he’s after. Before leaving Havana, Cuba, the Pope said: “If you are without sin, throw the first stone, but o… Continue reading

Why Be So Afraid of Fear? (DE Coast Press)

…, “Bad Therapy, Good Therapy and How to Tell the Difference” (available at, by the way), outlines step-by-step methods of being brutally honest with yourself about what you’re feeling, including ways to challenge your feelings when they’re wrong. All this empowers you to live your life fully and take on challenges in spite of your fears. The most common mistake I see people make is to avoid things for no other reason than unfounded… Continue reading

Myths and Truths About OCD (DE Wave)

…leave the house, much less drive, shop or interact socially. The Obsessive Compulsive Foundation ( defines OCD as a neurobiological (physical) problem, as opposed to a psychological (mental) one. But they also acknowledge that no genetic or other link to physiology has yet been established. Whatever the cause, all obsessions involve out-of-control thoughts or impulses to do certain things over and over again. Compulsions are t… Continue reading

Think Young, Age Gracefully! (DE Coast Press)

…Therapy, Good Therapy (And How to Tell the Difference)” [available only at], I coined the phrase “psychological entrepreneurism” in which negative situations, while still acknowledged as negative, are turned into opportunities and new experiences. These are just a few of the things that people who age happily will tell you. Take it from them, not from me. Elderly people who thrive with a positive point of view are the most interesti… Continue reading