Authentic, Clear, Concise

…ivist/Austrian who specializes in psychology. Like [Ayn] Rand and [Ludwig] von Mises, you give a clear and accurate presentation of the ideas and premises of those who you take exception with and procede with facts and logic, building solid arguments from fundemental premises to inescapable conclusions. You often begin with the concretes and work back to the premises. The links are always presented in ways that capture the essense of the connectio… Continue reading

Why Inflation Doesn’t Matter to the Tyrants Imposing It On Us

…a benefit, not a harm, to those who seek unearned wealth and power. The Bidens are simply one rather comically grotesque illustration of this principle. Plenty of others wait their turn, in both parties.       Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Charleston SC). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Tw… Continue reading

Our Way Out of this Mess? The Bill of Rights: With One Modification …

…by making explicit that no government may pass a law abridging freedom of commerce. This will take government and politicians out of the business sector, just like they were taken out of religious organizations and the media. Because we let government and business merge, it created a “follow the money” scenario where ultimately the government took over our free speech, our gun rights and everything else. At least, that’s what they’re systematical… Continue reading

“Progress” Will Destroy Us … If We Let It

…orm. President Trump SEEMS insane because what now passes for sanity has become so ludicrous. It’s interesting that Democrats and leftists no longer call themselves “liberal”. Perhaps even they are too honest to suggest they’re anything like liberal? I doubt that’s it. But it’s still interesting. And revealing. “Liberal” refers to being tolerant. To lifting restraints. To minimizing control, not maximizing it. To leaving others alone. To letting p… Continue reading

Conservatives: Government Will Not Save You From Facebook and Google

…panies by reminding them that about half of their website visitors are not Democrats, the same half who made Donald Trump President. Don’t underestimate the power of this second option. It’s presently in operation. You have to wonder why non-left views have not been totally obliterated to date. You have to wonder why Mark Zuckerberg and his equivalents feel compelled to lie that they’re open to all political views, even though they clearly are not… Continue reading

Finding the Love You Want But…What the Heck is Love?

…se I love you.” Interesting. Some relationships are based on need and dependence. One party (the ‘strong’ or dominant one) needs to be needed; the other simply needs. These relationships often end up in destruction or ruin. In contrast, consider the relationship based on the unspoken but deeply felt premise: ‘I love life and myself. I value. Therefore, I want you—and I need you in my life.’ Fromm has identified here why ‘need’ is not inherently wr… Continue reading

Protectionism No Better than Socialism

…f not-yet-created wealth. If you want to beat a statist country like China—demographic weaknesses and all—then the best way to do so is to promote the restoration and development of unhampered, liberty-promoting, totally free markets. Free markets, free minds and private property protected by an unbiased, justice-supporting government is the only way to peace. So long as we keep promoting the opposite, we will keep getting the opposite results. Fo… Continue reading

Why There’s No Such Thing as “Stealing American Jobs”

…se programs — particularly with an endless influx of immigrants who will become eligible for, and dependent on, all government programs, including public schools — will lead to an impossible fiscal situation before long. Donald Trump also criticizes the Chinese government for manipulating its currency. Well, so does the United States government. It’s called the Federal Reserve. The United States went partially off the gold standard under Franklin… Continue reading

Command-and-Control vs. Free Market: Doctors, the Choice is Yours

…alth care, so instead we have attempted a command-and-control model of the Communist variety — kind of Communism with a smile — from the politicians in Washington D.C. These politicians are propped up just as much, if not more, by the organized political interests of doctors and hospitals as by the voting majority themselves. In practice, Washington’s (bipartisan) job has been to make sure that as many providers and patients are as dependent on th… Continue reading

Whatever Happened to the National Debt?

…etaphorical emperor wearing no clothes – the only possible explanation is: denial. Denial starts out as evasion. Evasion refers to a refusal to look at inconvenient facts when they arouse anxiety or other uncomfortable emotions. Facing those facts leads one to become anxious. The anxiety eventually needs a way of being squelched or reduced. Rationally and morally, the way to address the anxiety is to identify the truth—the full, unvarnished truth—… Continue reading

Courage to Face the Truth

Economist Ludwig von Mises, in an unpublished letter to Ayn Rand complimenting her on her classic novel “Atlas Shrugged:” “You have the courage to tell the masses what no politician told them: you [the masses] are inferior and all the improvements in your conditions which you simply take for granted you owe to the effort of men who are better than you.” Ayn Rand was universally mocked and despised by the critics of her own age, and ours. Yet her… Continue reading