The Brain Isn’t Mindless

….     Special Note: Re: Questions following Daily Dose of Reason at The ability to comment has been removed from The primary reason for this are the repeated insults, cursing and inane postings from those who resent some of my opinions and/or writings — for no other reason than that they are there. As the saying goes, those who “know the least know it the loudest.” And those who know nothing at all do so with unfounded pers… Continue reading

Obamacare Catastrophe: Take 1

…r subsidies than the law intends. [Source: Wall Street Journal and] And so it begins…Obamacare computer programs are unable to correctly calculate the amount of other people’s money they’re supposed to give away. Who’s surprised by this? There are two reasons why Obamacare will fail on its own terms, even if you accept the terms that the government should provide ‘health care for all.’ One, the government is not accountable. Unlike App… Continue reading

“Gun Free Zones” on Military Bases: Real Effective, Right?

…more murders on military bases than ever before. These events were unprecedented before we started initiating these insane, self-destructive policies. It does not seem possible that mistakes of this magnitude could be entirely the result of naiveté or stupidity. It’s something much worse than that. Nobody seems to have a name for it, and can hardly believe that things have really sunk so low in a once proud and great society; yet it’s happening,… Continue reading

Republicans Have Got to Get Real About Millennials

…free market, private property and capitalism. There is none of that in the Democratic Party, not anymore, and it’s not coming back. Obama and Hillary Clinton are about as hard core leftist/socialist as they come, and the future — with the likes of Elizabeth Warren or Martin O’Malley from Maryland — may be even more hard core. The Republicans are the only chance these young people have of living in a country, down the line, that looks anything like… Continue reading

Occupy Hong Kong May Be America’s Future

…nd the Chinese government does not like it one bit. News outlets like and refer to the protestors as “Occupy Hong Kong.” The implication is that they’re the same as the anti-capitalist, anti-business Occupy Wall Street protestors who made a mess in America’s cities a couple of years back. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Occupy Wall Street people see private ownership of the means of production as dictatorship. Their a… Continue reading

Yay! “Brosurance” is Here!

…ent to not “buying” health insurance from the government. [source:] reports: The people that brought you the ObamaCare keg-stand “brosurance” campaign are back with a new set of eyebrow-raising ads. The ads, which all live on the website, are a collaboration between Colorado Consumer Health Initiative and ProgressNow Colorado Education, and reference the famous “Got Milk?” ads. In one ad — calle… Continue reading

Two Strikes Against Donald Trump

…Donald Trump speaks. While there’s nothing wrong with brash and bold confidence, there’s everything wrong with a potential president who will engage in the use (or abuse) of federal power merely because he likes it. That would mean a government of men, not of laws. We already have that now with Obama. Trump is supposed to represent an improvement over Obama. The second reason Trump rationalizes the potentially unlimited use of eminent domain is p… Continue reading

The Pope and Environmentalism: A Marriage Made in Hell

…share a very common enemy: man’s productive enterprises on earth. Service comes first, both the communists of spirit and government maintain. Capitalism gets in the way of service, and for that reason it must be destroyed — or at least diluted. To be fair, the hardcore advocates of both religion and environmentalism make their goals and priorities clear. If you take the time to read and listen to them, they will tell you: Man’s life on earth is n… Continue reading

Totalitarian Internet, Anyone?

…hoose to purchase goods or services on the Internet — let’s say at, or — it’s not government permission allowing you to do so. It’s ultimately at the behest of a free marketplace. Enough people wish to buy these services or goods that it’s feasible for these large companies — and many smaller ones — to operate at a profit. Since the Internet is also a context for expression of ideas, many people operate websites for… Continue reading

Smugness: Counterfeit Confidence

…too many easy victories)” [Merriam-Webster] “Excessively self-satisfied or complacent.” [] Some synonyms of smugness: aloofness, audacity, haughtiness, pretentiousness, arrogance, conceit [] Smugness does not merely convey an attitude that, “I know I did well.” When such an attitude is backed up by objective fact, it’s not arrogance — it’s confidence. Insecure people mistakenly label genuine confidence arrogance or smugn… Continue reading

The Washington Redskins Have Displeased Our Rulers

…ly type of people who do care about such things are the sort whose entire identity comes from their racial or other social/demographic classification. These are the sort of people the rest of us are permitting to rule our opinions, actions, policies, laws and thinking. They are today’s Puritans. Like the Puritans of an earlier order, they attain success not by any convincing, meaningful or objectively true arguments. They achieve what they want th… Continue reading

Hush Rap

…. Fans at the show told the Chicago Tribune that it had passed without incident before police intervened. “There was no violence. It was the police who did this,” Stefanae Coleman, 17, told the paper. “Everyone was happy … We went through the whole show without any problems. They just waited for Chief Keef, and that’s what irks me. (The police) do this, then they get mad that we’re mad. It’s disrespectful to us.” [ 7/27/15] These da… Continue reading