Conservatives Are Killing Capitalism

…ush was Hoover, and Obama is FDR (in that respect). More than that, Bush’s comments reveal the true nature of the platform of “compassionate conservatism” he originally ran on. It meant that when push comes to shove … he’s a socialist. When it’s crisis time, he’s not some Republican — he’s the biggest socialist President in American history! That’s the case with all the conservatives and Republicans we have known to date. They only vary in degree…. Continue reading

Self-Determination, Obama Style

…rotherhood is as likely to remain secular as Hitler’s early coalition with von Hindenberg in Germany was likely to stay non-Nazi.” It’s amazing how under a liberal U.S. administration national self-determination is the ‘right’ principle, especially when that national self-determination leads to an anti-American, anti-Western, completely anti-freedom form of government. No, Mubarak’s authoritarian government was not an example of freedom. But how d… Continue reading

The Milgram Experiment and What it Taught Us About Human Obedience

…not an originating cause. The originating cause of self-esteem is (1) confidence in the power of reason; and (2) confidence in, and willingness to use, your own capacity for reason. Faced with the scenario of the Milgram experiment, the volunteer with self-esteem would have called a stop to the whole thing and raised questions. He would do so based on the following assumptions: ‘The evidence of my senses matters. This person is clearly in pain. It… Continue reading

The Road to Hell Paved With Socialist Intentions

…Under socialism production is entirely directed by the orders of the central board of production management. The whole nation is an industrial army . . . and each citizen is bound to obey his superiors’ orders. In the bureaucratic machine of socialism the way toward promotion is not achievement but the favor of the superiors. — economist Ludwig von Mises (Gee, that sounds a lot like ObamaCare to me.)… Continue reading

Obamacare Architect’s Comments On “Stupid” Americans

…11/12/14], as well as other sources including and On Tuesday, Gruber went on MSNBC to offer a mea culpa. “I was speaking off the cuff and I spoke inappropriately, and I regret making those comments,” he said. Evidently he really believes people are stupid to think they would actually buy such a faux apology, particularly on a network with no known opposition to anything Obama-related. But then more videos emerged. Meg… Continue reading

Pro-Islam/Anti-Gay Violence: Where’s the Outrage?

…and that he had “opined that homosexuals should be exterminated.” [8/25/14] comments: This incident should have been the impetus for a national discussion of violent Sharia [Islamic law] enforcement in the U.S., and an examination of what could be done to stop Sharia vigilantism. Instead, the mainstream media largely ignored the obvious motive; in this report, it is discussed as “homophobia,” with no hint that this was one of the firs… Continue reading

Don’t Forget China

…call this, it’s not economic strength. And without economic strength, there is no military strength. The Chinese are watching, and if you think they aren’t you haven’t learned a single lesson of world history.   Note: Sources on Department of Defense spending reductions: 2/23/14, 2/24/14, 1/27/15] Be sure to “friend” Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute pos… Continue reading

Religion of Peace? ISIS Begs to Differ

…gion of the Sword, Not Pacifism”] Here in America, we twice elected a President who loathes use of the word “terrorism” (unless committed by someone who isn’t Muslim), and who repeatedly insists that ISIS has nothing whatsoever to do with Islam or religion. It seems that the terrorists who support Islam have a different point-of-view. It’s not just an academic argument, either. It’s an argument with very real consequences, including but not limite… Continue reading

“House of Cards” About to Become More Expensive

com states, The new proposal is expected to be more palatable to the FCC’s Democratic commissioners as it opens the door to questions like: Should ISPs be regulated as utilities, a process that would require support from Congress? Should the FCC appoint an ombudsman to watch for bad behavior from ISPs? Should ISPs be banned from charging for better roadways, known as “paid prioritization”? He who sets the terms controls content. It’s human nature,… Continue reading

Censorship vs. The Washington Redskins

…team with an allegedly or actually racist name. And one of those things is a federal government — run by either party — getting to decide which football team names are, or aren’t, legally suitable. It won’t end with the Redskins. [Source for quotes:,, 6/18 and 6/19/14]   Be sure to “friend” Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommend… Continue reading