Progressive Ideas: Not Just Wrong, But Potentially Deadly

…them. They’re motivated to do this because they have some kind of rescuing complex combined with the lust for power. Progressives in power turn victim groups into victims – even in defiance of the facts – because it satisfies their need to be seen as heroes and to acquire power. The typical progressive out of power applauds and approves these actions, because it makes the progressive feel good about him- or herself and virtuous in the eyes of thei… Continue reading

How the Nutjobs Took Over & the Best Way to Get Rid of Them

…ictories go. They’re tripling down on them. Ideas have consequences. Ideas coming out of academia, from social scientists, sociologists, philosophers, feminist or racial studies gurus — these ideas do matter, no matter how insane they are. And if we let academia gain the upper hand, as we did, then eventually we get the psychological and cultural sewage that is today’s America. Good ideas would be the cure. America was founded on brilliant, timele… Continue reading

The Chill Is On: Alex Jones Deleted by Leftist Intolerance

…ing you down.” I call non-leftists “dissidents”. Why? Because the gigantic companies we have come to depend on for the dissemination of news are all operated and run by leftists and Democrats. It starts with Alex Jones, although there have been others. It will end with — who knows? — President Trump’s own Twitter account. Why not? A reader of mine summed it up beautifully: “It’s not censorship. It’s just vile. First the loons, and then everyone wh… Continue reading

Why Inflation Now?

…he so-called pandemic of 2020, although it has continued into 2021 and, if Democrat Communists realize their dreams, indefinitely into the future. Through redistribution of wealth, and programs such as open-ended unemployment benefits at higher rates than the market pays for jobs, forgiveness of student loans, and all the rest, the government has poured funny money — thanks to the Federal Reserve’s virtually unlimited power — into the hands of con… Continue reading

Whip Inflation Now

…hat means your salary, your savings accounts and all of your possessions become economically worthless. Think about that. Even the great Joe Biden can’t save you from that; he’ll just snicker and sneer, while his dumb witch understudy cackles at you. The Bidenistas excuse inflation by saying it’s merely the temporary result of the COVID shutdown. That’s only half the truth; and it’s not the real truth. In fact, it’s a lie. The real truth is that t… Continue reading

Words of Wisdom (Even Freud!)

…linois 113,000. Meanwhile, the state of Texas gained about 310,000 new residents and Florida welcome in about 211,000. [Fox News] Don’t Communists and socialists want a large, growing tax base? I guess they’ll have to build walls to keep people in. ******************* “Worship of the state is the worship of force. The worst evils which mankind had ever had to endure were inflicted by governments.” — Ludwig von Mises, economist and advocate of indi… Continue reading

Finding Truth in a Dying Society

…r matters. Levin also reported that a congresswoman in Florida has seen evidence of pallets of baby formula being sent to illegals waiting to come into America. Surprise, surprise. If any of this is true, do you fathom what we’re up against? The totalitarians in Washington would literally rather starve babies–in AMERICA–than face even tepid opposition to their unlimited thirst for power. Do you seriously still doubt that Americans are now living i… Continue reading

From Biden’s Own Mouth: Rising Gas Prices an “Incredible”, Beautiful Thing

…to state openly what others (including those he works for) will not admit. Communists and Nazis did the same thing. Communists were always promising a better and brighter future. When they didn’t get it, they blamed it on their having too little power — and they simply seized more. America’s revolution toward totalitarian control is underway. From the point-of-view of the totalitarians, it’s going swimmingly. Totalitarians have never had it so eas… Continue reading

Janet Yellen Suddenly Dislikes Inflation. Watch Out!

…said that inflation is NOT caused by too much government spending (unprecedented spending in 2020 and 2021). In fact, Biden insists, the only solution is way, way, way MORE government spending. Thanks to two genuinely moderate Democrats in the U.S. Senate, we have not yet got that; if we had, inflation would probably be even worse. The solution to inflation will almost certainly involve a painful recession, kind of like the one we got in 1981-83… Continue reading

The Religious Dictatorship of the Church of Woke

…prove any of it. You WILL do what I say — upon penalty of (first) shaming; (second) intimidation, fining; and (last), if it comes to that — imprisonment or death.” We are living under a religious dictatorship.   [Pictured: Steven Crowder trying to interview and reason with committed woke leftists.] Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage… Continue reading

People Are Getting the Government — and Culture — They Deserve

…Germany just before Hitler’s rise to power. On our present course, what’s coming will NOT be pretty. If you think Nazi Germany was bad, consider the possibilities of a WORLD totalitarian regime based on medical and green fascism combined with neo-Marxist ideology. We will see the suffering, and possibly deaths, of billions this time, not merely millions. Most simply yawn and look for their freebie school tuition or their latest Netflix series. Pe… Continue reading

Dianne Feinstein and All Her Colleagues: Only the Good Die Young

…amala will make Dianne Feinstein look like a woman of high character! Easy come, easy go. Long live Commuinsm and fascism, repackaged as “progressivism.” Long live the State of California, including His Holiness Gavin Newsom who will select the dead Senator’s replacement. Dianne Feinstein? Come on, man. She’s easily replaced. She’s already replaced. She was only a cog in the wheel. And it’s only funny money, after all.       Follow Dr. Hurd on Fac… Continue reading