DrHurd.com: “Single Bright Star in Vast Sky of Emptiness”

…I believe it is very important to recognize great knowledge and ability because those that have it are very deserving of the recognition. Great things are like that single bright star in a vast sky of emptiness. It is not the common, vast averageness that leads the way – it is the small rare point that stands out in contradiction to that vastness. So I want to recognize your knowledge and understanding as well as Thank You for your site and artic… Continue reading

Looks Forward to DrHurd.com Daily

…to express gratitude and thanks for having found your site mentioned by a commentor [on a] YouTube video. Finally . . . an objectivist that sees standing up to the political expression of altruism [self-sacrifice] as a Value. Whether it’s physical, philosophical or psychological, sometimes you have to stand your ground and fight . . . even if it’s just for a better alternative in lieu of a solution. In the end, it may be a gift that Ayn Rand did… Continue reading

DrHurd.com “Must” Reading!

…“I strongly recommend The Feeling Sorry for Yourself article as a ‘must read’ for all ages. This is the type of guidance that encourages readers to regain control of their lives, by putting life’s inevitable disappointments in the correct perspective, as well as offering sound advice on handling our emotional reactions to adversity. Thank you, Dr. Hurd.”… Continue reading

How to Destroy Your Marriage in One Easy Step

…and if self-fulfillment is wrong, there can be no giving. Sure, there are compromises on comparatively unimportant matters, but one makes those compromises for selfish reasons. ‘You’re special to me, you’re beautiful to me—so these concessions don’t bother me with you, while they would with anyone else.’ That’s not selflessness. It’s one of the most personally pleasurable things in the world. If it isn’t, then you don’t really love. If you look a… Continue reading

Do We Need a Declaration of Independence for Chickens?

…ts extremist. You can watch the two-minute video here for yourself: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmfRMeU6pQ8 It’s easy to label such a person “wackjob,” or an “extremist.” But she’s got a lot of people supporting her, as you can see from the video. While it might be an isolated case of mental illness or psychological collapse, it’s far too calculated for that. The more compelling thing to examine here is: What are this woman’s assumptions? What… Continue reading