Dealing with Job Loss

…ly follow that the virtuous traits and qualities that gave rise to those accomplishments suddenly disappear simply because of a change in economic conditions. One victim of job loss, writing on, states, ‘Coping with job loss can create an identity crisis. I lost the career I had held for more than twenty-five years due to a serious injury. Because of my resulting limitations, I could not get another job. While employed i… Continue reading

Brian Williams vs. The Truth

…legitimate state of confusion, or something else. [Reported at and 2/5/15] To quote a reader and associate of mine: “Hey, it’s a mistake anyone could make. Why, just last week I spent a day and a half thinking about nearly dying in a Kabul firefight before I realized that I’d just driven through the car wash.” Exactly. The question here isn’t why Williams did this. He’s a liar and a fraud, and we know that liars and frauds… Continue reading

What if ISIS Pushes Beyond the Middle East?

…claim. Yet what does ISIS have to say? Consider the following from 2/24/15: An ISIS e-book on how to accomplish their caliphate goal of sacking Rome stresses enlisting “the Islamic State’s secret weapon = secret white converts” to take on Italy. Much of the book, “Black Flags from Rome,” is dedicated to laying out a case for why Muslims in Europe should rise up and assist ISIS from within, citing justifications for discontent from mode… Continue reading

“Detach With Love”: Not Yours to Fix

…I ignored it. When he landed in jail, I bailed him out. When he failed to come home, I searched the seedy parts of town where the junkies and prostitutes hung out. I could not carve myself loose from co-dependency. …Early on in my recovery program, I was introduced to the slogan, “detach with love.” While I grasped it intellectually, I couldn’t let go emotionally. As I learned more, I came to accept addiction as an illness that hijacks the brain…. Continue reading

Bernie Sanders: “Socialist Surge”…or Last Gasp?

…charity programs, losing discretion over 10 or 30 or 50 percent of their income? Isn’t that mean? What about fostering dependence and making health insurance, and other forms of insurance, subject to government monopoly, rather than the freedom and rationality only a free marketplace can offer? Isn’t that mean? Imagine that you gave money to a friend, family member or stranger, to help him out (temporarily) with some sort of crisis. Imagine if tha… Continue reading

Low Self-Esteem at Colleges (Even Harvard): What’s Going On?

…better. What’s the problem? Students are more prone than ever before to become offended. Once they become offended, they’re extremely angry and they threaten the offending teacher (even a liberal one, in his case) with rebukes, reprisals, formal complaints and even unemployment. Although Schlosser does not identify the basic problem, he’s talking about the primacy of emotions over reason, objectivity and truth. He’s also talking about the growing… Continue reading

Mistrust and Forget About Verify

…ce all over the world and nothing more,” Khamenei added. [sources: 4/10/15,] This gives you an idea about the level of commitment within Iran’s leadership about their willingness to follow either the letter or the spirit of Obama’s agreement. Iran is a religiously based totalitarian dictatorship. There are no checks and balances, no elections, and no Constitution they even claim to follow. The attitudes and opinions… Continue reading