Trump Says Medicare is Popular — So What?

…my can find a way to sustain debts and deficits too high for economists or computers to calculate, or tax rates so high that the economy will grind to a complete halt, Medicare (like Social Security) cannot go on forever. Debate should be open to how best, or in what way, start privatizing Medicare and all of health care in America. Until or unless we get to that point, no discussion of the subject makes any moral or economic sense. Even flailing… Continue reading

A Little Bit of War is a Dangerous Thing

…or bad. It’s the guns, stupid. Obama will give us a little bit of war—just a little. But war without principle or ideals (of any kind) to back it up is a truly unjust thing. And a very dangerous one, too. [Sources of news items: and]   Be sure to “friend” Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion… Continue reading

Why Young People Don’t Vote Republican

…he for-profit, private enterprise private sector. Everything worthwhile or competent comes from the private sector. And then there are entitlements. Actually, it makes sense that older and middle-aged people are worried about Medicare and Social Security. Assuming they worked, they were forced to pay into these programs all these years and naturally want younger people to pay into them now. “I was forced to pay for the elderly when I was younger;… Continue reading

Obama Puts America on Disability

…perversely seek to make millions of citizens permanently helpless and dependent. This is not compassion and caring. It’s sickness. Obama and his ilk are turning as many Americans as possible into wards of the state. Who will keep this vast entitlement state financed and going? We’re already running a trillion-dollar deficit and multiple trillions in debt. It’s like a credit card maxed out into infinity. Where is it supposed to end, or resolve? Lik… Continue reading

Obama’s Decline and Fall of the American Republic

…y do? After years of negligent foreign policy, the proverbial chickens are coming home to roost. For decades, America has been mostly weak in the face of Islamic terrorism. Republican presidents call the militant sects — the modern equivalent (or worse) of the warring tribes who sacked Rome out of existence — a “religion of peace,” and apologize before sending troops in for a purpose never quite made clear. (That was the George W. Bush administrat… Continue reading

America’s Economy: Failure to Thrive Hits Poorest the Hardest

…at rates that were higher than the national average.” [Sources:,, Annie E. Casey Foundation] I’m confused. I’m repeatedly told that things like government health insurance, minimum wage law increases, increases in food stamps, higher taxes for people who make more than $250,000 a year, and increased spending on public education and community colleges make life better for everyone, particularly for African-American, American… Continue reading

Federal “No-Fly List” a Convenient Enemies List for Politicians

…t in a free society. But shouldn’t the government be obliged to require evidence? Shouldn’t the procedures for identifying terrorists be something other than “unilateral” White House designations? I am so sick of hearing politicians (both parties) claim we cannot militarily fight back against terrorist-sponsoring countries because “that’s not who we are.” (The same logic, by the way, would have prevented defeating Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan b… Continue reading

Say Good-bye to the Internet as We Know it

…enterprise, and relatively free enterprise at that. Surely, there are some companies who have complaints about how things are going, and therefore they want the federal government to take over because they believe that will benefit their business interests. But this isn’t what the federal government is supposed to do. The government is, in fact, supposed to remain an authentically neutral policeman — enforcing private property rights and upholding… Continue reading

The Psychology of Complaining

…ly lash out at the first body in sight. Winch recommends moving from the easiest complaint to the hardest when working on problem-solving skills. When people receive a grievance, they naturally grow defensive. They might even throw the issue back at you, further dialing up your emotions. That’s why you need to be extra nice, against your instincts. “This is the existential dilemma of the complaint,” Winch says. “Do you want to be right, or do you… Continue reading

Her Father the Monster

…nt to go up there,” she said. Is it too much to ask a man with sexual fantasies or other compulsions to confine them to his imagination, and to leave other people out of it? Should he have no responsibility for his calculated decisions—however irrational, still calculated—to sustain his secrecy and steal a decade of his victims’ lives, a decade they’ll never have back? Everywhere you look, you find evidence of Castro’s conscious, deliberate and ch… Continue reading

The Giuliani Backpedal and What It Says About Republicans

…ght. This is the difference between Democratic and Republican politicians. Democrats denounce. They express moral outrage. They shame. They pronounce judgment while claiming not to be judgmental. Anyone who disagrees … watch out! What do Republicans do in response? They apologize. They back down. They turn cheeks; they appease; they give in. They lose, even when they win (check out the new Republican Congress for the latest examples.) The rest of… Continue reading