The Internet Tax: One More Effort to Snuff Out Freedom

…servants’ such as teachers who don’t teach, and making sure that people become dependent on government services or handouts rather than even having a chance at functioning in a free market economy. By what right or rationale do we justify new taxes so that state and local governments have it easier? What about the people who produce the income and make the taxation possible? The fact that this point goes largely unchallenged, by most Republicans… Continue reading

Not Sure About Climate Change? RFK Jr. Wants You in Prison

…conclusions are as plainly irrational as a flat-earther, or a Moon-landing denier, or a 9/11-denier, then why is he so afraid of differing opinions? If you’re right about something, and if you know you’re right, then dissenting opinion is not a threat. If you’re wrong — or deep down you believe you’re wrong — then it’s another story. The fact that “progressives” like RFK Jr. are so determined to silence dissension tells us a lot, not only about fu… Continue reading

Hey–Where Did My Freedom Go?

…un control, socialized medicine, fascist controls on industry, or whatever comes next down the pike. These polls almost always end up suggesting the same thing. About a third of Americans won’t be willingly sold into slavery. Another third will, perhaps out of ignorance, fear, ideology or even smug confidence that their own gang will be the ruling authorities, so what the heck. Another third of Americans wobble in the middle. In the heat of emotio… Continue reading

Obama: You Can Be Racist and Still Be Rational

…this overrides all of his other considerations.” [Sources: 5/21/15, and 5/21/15] How many things can you find wrong with this statement? I’m reminded of Ayn Rand’s idea that there are no conflicts among rational men. “Rational men,” in this context, refer to individuals who do not seek to initiate force or fraud against others. She’s right, that there need be no conflicts among rational people by this definition… Continue reading

Close Your Eyes and Think of England: Hillary’s Running

…part. It’s business as usual for a Clinton, and business as usual for any Democratic presidential candidate whose words (if not all her actions) square with the conventional view that the purpose of government is to serve others, on the backs of those who actually produce. Hollywood and other rich celebrities will cheer her on, just as they cheer on every progressive socialist redistributionist who runs for national office, because it makes them… Continue reading

Did Southwest Airlines Contribute to a Suicide?

…sons? Some will say, “Yes, Southwest employees should have done the right, common sense-oriented and compassionate thing, and let this woman call her husband despite the law.” But once the lawsuits, fines and bad publicity drove up costs, what then? Surely ticket costs would have to go up. Or perhaps employees would be let go. There has to be a consequence somewhere, if the airline is to keep on staying in business. Remember that making an excepti… Continue reading

Why Social Security is Not a “Promise” to Citizens

…deny objective facts, the harder it hits you when the results of all that denial finally come crashing home. Don’t citizens have some share of the responsibility for their own complicity in this self-defeating and self-deceitful scheme? I would say yes. While it’s true that the complexities in the Social Security system are complicated, contradictory and complex, it’s also true that people know that politicians (in both parties) are filled with l… Continue reading

What Americans Still Haven’t Learned from the Ebola Crisis

…longtime political hand, served as chief of staff to Al Gore and Vice President Joe Biden but has no apparent medical or health care background. A White House official said Friday that Klain comes to the job with “strong management credentials, extensive federal government experience overseeing complex operations and good working relationships with leading members of Congress, as well as senior Obama administration officials, including the preside… Continue reading

Jihad Comes to Oklahoma

…ey also see their fellow non-jihadist Muslims — the vast majority — as decadent, compromised, dead in their faith. [Source: 9/26/14] This passage is an unusually eloquent description, not just of jihadists, but of the psychology of hatred. “Hatred” is a concept and word thrown around casually nowadays. What does it actually mean? Hatred occurs when a person holding a different point of view cannot tolerate the presence of someone who d… Continue reading

“It’s All My Therapist’s Fault!”

…r, as I said. If you want to be angry with the therapist, be angry for that reason. But don’t blame anyone else for your wife’s decision. And perhaps consider why she was unhappy with you in the first place. Dr. Hurd’s book is available for sale at and, including in the Kindle version.   Be sure to “friend” Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articl… Continue reading

The Child Within is Sometimes an Idiot

…hilosophy of life, aided (when and if necessary) by good therapy grounded in that philosophy, are the means to rejecting the deterministic ‘help me!’ viewpoint in favor of a life-affirming and confident one. Dr. Hurd’s book is available for sale at and, including in the Kindle version.   Be sure to “friend” Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articl… Continue reading

The Problem With Republicans

…st.   Special Note: Re: Questions following Daily Dose of Reason at The ability to comment has been removed from The primary reason for this are the repeated insults, cursing and inane postings from those who resent some of my opinions and/or writings — for no other reason than that they are there. As the saying goes, those who “know the least know it the loudest.” And those who know nothing at all do so with unfounded pers… Continue reading