Disagreeing With Skill and Style (DE Coast Press)

…truth, or are they just seeking to be (and/or appear) right in front of their peers? The ones striving for the truth are the people to stay with and to treasure. The latter are the ones who give disagreement a bad name. Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow D… Continue reading

Life is Not Static

…side probably should have done so anyway.     Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Charleston SC). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1, drmichaelhurd on Instagram, Michael Hurd Ph.D. on LinkedIn, @DrHurd on TruthSocial   Why Get Help? Solution-focused life coaching with Dr. H… Continue reading

Lying Just Isn’t Worth the Work

…eem to decrease as time passes. He goes on to say that a friend offered to compose a fake resume and provide a fake reference for him, but that he’s uncomfortable with lying to get a job he wouldn’t otherwise get. He wonders if there’s any circumstance under which he could justify accepting the offer of the bogus credentials. I responded to him: Let’s take a moment to walk through what could happen if you took the offer of the made-up resume. Assu… Continue reading

Tough Love can Resolve a Crisis in Confidence

…circle of friends. He has the capacity. He’s just not utilizing it when it comes to holding a job or planning on a place to live. And he doesn’t really need to as long as you continue to enable his casual lifestyle. Chances are good his “diagnosis” of the mythical ADHD gave him tacit permission to be a slacker. Tell him you believe in him, then SHOW him you believe in him by putting an expiration date on his already prolonged childhood under your… Continue reading

“My Psychiatric Label Made Me Do It”

…sibility. The crucial issue is whether she allows herself to recognize her free will and her choice to validate or refute basic ideas. More important than the psychiatric label du jour is the individual’s philosophy of life, i.e., “I will take medication only if I see clear evidence that it provides me with some relief and stability. I still have control over my choices! If I look inward and discover that some of my ideas are mistaken, then I’ll t… Continue reading

Adapt your Working Values to your Retired Life

…same as identifying what your new purpose can or should be. Just surviving comfortably is not enough. Whether it’s a job, a career, a cause or a hobby, you obviously need more than just the nice house and nice friends. In a sense, they’re just the side dishes, not the main course. What’s the main course? It sounds to me like you haven’t decided that yet. So your anxious and sad emotions are telling you, “Hey, get on with it.” Again, all I have to… Continue reading

Liz Cheney Calls “Mayday” to Her Fellow DemComs

…g voter registration change form. The New York Times also reported on Thursday that Cheney’s campaign has been sending out mailers to Wyoming Democratic voters with information about voting in the Republican primary.     Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow… Continue reading

The # 1 Mistake People Make in Love: Control is Not Love

…erybody what a victim she is. Simply refuse to listen to or respond to her complaints. Walk away from her threats. When she threatens suicide, call 911 each and every time. Suicide is, after all, against the law. Try to explain (when and if she’s composed), that you’re willing to talk when she’s reasonable, but not when she’s emotional and threatening. When this limit-setting sends her into a rage (and it will), walk away. Lawyers should be a last… Continue reading

The Primary Goal Should be Joy and Happiness

…gal boundaries, of course) ought to be approached like any other. Is there compatibility? Are there common values? Are there enough differences to make it interesting but not so many as to make sustained companionship impossible? Of course, there are unique aspects as well. For example, the younger person has less life experience, and the wider the age difference, the greater that challenge can be. As in any relationship, there has to be intellect… Continue reading

Unexpected Grief Years After the Loss

…to get over them. And quite frankly, I’m not sure what ‘getting over them’ really means. If you truly loved them, you will never completely get over it. What you will do is learn to live with it from a different perspective. Then you’ll feel better about moving on with your life.” You don’t need medication for these occasional feelings. Medication is for people who are unable to cope, i.e., unable to handle the basic activities of daily living wit… Continue reading

Biden’s Humanitarian Crisis

…Joe threw away the Trump exit plans. Contrary to military and Intelligence Community recommendations, he ordered an immediate and unconditional exit from the country. Now we have something north of 10,000 Americans trapped in country. We’re being treated to images of panicked Afghans clinging to the side of departing aircraft, only to eventually fall to their deaths. According to a Trafalgar Poll, an astounding 70% of Americans disapprove of Joe’s… Continue reading

Sometimes ‘Feeling Good’ Isn’t All That Good

…a state in which you’re in command of your mind and your life; exercising free will as competently as you can. Along with that sense of control comes a healthy lack of concern for things you can’t control. A serene person is not passive and helpless, but also isn’t a “control freak.” People who lack serenity spend a lot of time fretting over things they can’t control (usually, other people). The serene individual goes after goals that he knows ar… Continue reading