Lying Sundar Pichai

…ie about it. In fact, Google aggressively undercuts and removes from their website people who advance free market views, while protecting those who support curtailing the First Amendment and Second Amendment. Ditto for Twitter and Facebook. Is this Google’s right? Sure. Under the very principles they work tirelessly to shut down and oppose. These leftist social media companies rely on the very ideas of free markets, private property and the First… Continue reading

Live IN the Moment, Not FOR the Moment

…rs. You achieved nothing but stress for all your rage and anxiety. Those unrealistic compulsions can arise from the inability to live in the moment. When I suggest to people that they reduce their stress by spending more time living in (and enjoying) the moment, their reaction is often, “I can’t do that. I’ll be disorganized! I’ll get behind!” Wrong. People often tell me they’re amazed that I get all the things done with my full-time practice, dai… Continue reading

The FBI’s Lethal Contradiction on Censorship

…als we have to go after, not people the government deems hateful. Government is not always just and fair. American history has plenty of examples. But we correct that problem by reforming the government. Not by passing laws which at first imply, and later impose, criminal restrictions on freedom of speech. Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, an… Continue reading

“Academic Freedom” Is Not What Most Claim It Is

…rational way to do this is to actually educate them, and exposing them to free and open debate about controversial matters, such as marriage or gays. Get government out of education, and stop making it permissible for people to sue for not having their points-of-view articulated as a right at others’ expense, and you will see an end to the politicization of education pretty darn fast! Americans, by and large, no longer think in principle. They on… Continue reading

Watch Out For Good Slackers (DE Coast Press)

…icularly when you are having a bad day. Most of the power others seem to have over us is just the power we mistakenly give them. If you stop giving it to them, they will magically disappear, because at that point they no longer matter. Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interes… Continue reading

“Thank you, Dr. Hurd, for fighting to save America”

…d such objective reporting and commentary. I can only imagine the hate mail and, possibly, death threats you must be receiving for publishing these heroic articles in the current political climate. I now read every article you publish on your website, and I send them to my friends and coworkers. Thank you for doing this great work. Thank you for inspiring those of us who want to secure our liberty, lives, property and freedom to pursue our goals a… Continue reading

TikTok and the Slow, Painful Death of Free Speech in America

…vidently evil Biden regime with the power to save us from the evil Chinese Communist Party, what exactly have we accomplished? It will establish the precedent that the federal government may shut down any website it deems a foreign threat to “democracy.” Is that a precedent we actually want to establish? Who will benefit, and who will lose the most from yet another massive transfer of power to our monster government? Please explain what I am missi… Continue reading