Is Worrying the Answer?

…K, you’ll become more confident about your ability to control your worries. For over 60 years, Mad Magazine’s Alfred E. Neuman posed the perennial question, “What, me worry?” His advice is undeniably sound. And you can take it a step further: You can still treat things as important by simply replacing the worry with action (something poor Alfred never did). If the anxiety is valid, then deal with it. If it’s about something over which you have no… Continue reading

Where Was THIS Bill Maher 2 or 3 Years Ago?

…ical establishment really know what they are doing, that this is more whack-a-mole?” “They don’t know a lot about anything,” Maher responded. “That’s not a criticism of them like they’re being corrupt, although there certainly is plenty of corruption in the medical establishment. But I’ve always maintained that the big, overarching theme should be that people look back and say, oh, look how far we’ve come medically. Yes, that’s true. We’re not put… Continue reading

“Caveat Emptor” for Those Seeking Therapy

…ou’re doing self-defeating things, you’re not a victim of anything. You’re simply doing things that you find easier to continue doing rather than to change. Sadly, there’s the occasional well-paid mental health professional who’ll be happy to help you delude yourself into believing you’re a victim of your own behaviors. Caveat emptor! 5) Psychiatry and psychology are not exact sciences. It’s true that medications do very real things to your brain,… Continue reading

Gotta Love the Condo Association

…ike to achieve with your association. Remind yourself that you might not accomplish any of them, but that’s OK because next year you can vote for somebody different. If you try to keep in mind that you and he might actually share a few goals in common, then work together on those. In the interest of getting things done, compliment and flatter him if you like. Some progress is better than none. Some obnoxious people mean no harm and are just trying… Continue reading

Can We Agree to Disagree?

…and she wonders if there is a point where the gap between their values is simply too wide. She asks where that line is, and who she should remove from her life and who she should keep. There is so much political rancor and nastiness on TV “news” and on social media that I’m actually surprised that I didn’t get letters like this sooner. When it’s between friends, I maintain that it’s not a solid line as much as an arbitrary point. Conventional “wi… Continue reading

The Ayn Rand Institute: An Institute, Perhaps, But NOT Ayn Rand

…t. Onkar Ghate, ARI’s Chief Philosophy Officer, wrote a paper called ‘A Pro-Freedom Approach to Infectious Disease’ which he claims is “based on Rand’s conception of liberty.” This paper is a mishmash. He admits that healthcare is heavily controlled by government on the one hand, and then says this fact imposes different responsibilities on the government such as spending more money on hospital capacity. Why is he talking about what the government… Continue reading

The Vaccinated vs. The Unvaccinated

…er and control. But it’s deeper than that. It’s also about the idea of self-sacrifice. All but explicitly (and sometimes even explicitly) the tyrants from Biden on down are saying, “This vaccination will help you. You know that because we say so — WE are the only source of science and facts you need. But even if it doesn’t help you — even if taking the vaccine hurts you, in some way — then it’s even more noble. Why? Because you’re being told to do… Continue reading

Our Talk Affects Our Mood

…portive. Nonsense. Of course, if you ask me to agree with you and I cannot comply, I have to be honest with you. Make-believe doesn’t accomplish anything. One of my favorite phrases is, “I’m not motivated.” When translated into reality, it means, “I’m not going to do this because I don’t feel like it.” “I’m not motivated” is just a convenient bypass around having to give a reason. In reality-speak, one could say, “I don’t see the point of doing th… Continue reading

Shocker: Sacrifice Doesn’t Mix With Love

…love is the highest form of value that there is. And only when you value life and your own happiness can you truly begin to love someone else.     Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1, @DrHurd on Gab, and see drmichaelhu… Continue reading

Critical Thinking: Its Absence is the REAL Virus of Our Time

…exception) is doing the POLAR OPPOSITE of what rational individuals, in rational societies, should do. It’s tragic to behold. Yet here we are.     Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1, Drhurd on Parler, and see drmichae… Continue reading

Has Civil War II Already Started?

…nd. Maybe everyone, including the millions of Trump voters out there, will simply roll over, forever. But it’s too swift, too easy and too quick. Let’s say Biden gets in power. Leftists seem confident all will be well when that happens, as they assume it will. But how can they be so confident? And let’s say President Trump pulls off a historic feat, and gets the Supreme Court to throw the election to Congress where, we’re told, he will have the ad… Continue reading

When Will America Get Its Berlin Wall?

…now it. You will see the wall. And I’m not talking about Trump’s wall, either. Safe travels, patriots. We are in for a rough ride.     Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1, drmichaelhurd on Instagram…. Continue reading