St. Barack’s Latest Alternative to Capitalism, Private Property and Freedom

…man endurance, until eventually either we perish from them, or reject them completely. We can’t go on like this. But America is just one election away — any one election going forward — from a totally socialist regime.   Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow… Continue reading

Smartphones Are Killing Teenagers’ Memories, New Research Claims

…ponents, to be sure — are all that make your computers run, and the vastly complex software running the machines has nothing to do with it. “The most relevant exposure source to the brain is the use of a mobile phone close to the head,” the statement added. “Several studies have been conducted to identify potential health effects related to RF-EMF, though results have remained inconclusive.” Doesn’t the inconclusiveness of this research suggest ot… Continue reading

Nonsense Always Has a Purpose (Ayn Rand)

…t it’s your natural right, that your first duty is to yourself–that will be the man who’s not after your soul. That will be the man who has nothing to gain from you. Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead     Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Charleston SC). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @Mich… Continue reading

Is “Being Supportive” ALWAYS a Good Thing?

…pportive. Nonsense. Of course, if you ask me to agree with you and I can’t comply, I have to be honest with you too. Make-believe doesn’t accomplish anything. One of my favorite phrases is, “I’m not motivated.” When translated into reality, it means, “I’m not going to do this because I don’t feel like it.” “I’m not motivated” is just a convenient bypass around having to give a reason. In reality-speak, one could say, “I don’t see the point of doin… Continue reading

What Does it Mean to “Trust Your Gut”?

…ognition our survival, self-esteem and basic happiness requires. We indulge it at our own peril, and sooner or later we pay the price.   Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1, and see “Michael Hurd” on MeWe…. Continue reading

Mitt Romney, the Hollow Man, Bows to Trump’s Supreme Court Pick # 3

…Romney said in a statement. “It is based on the immutable fairness of following the law, which in this case is the Constitution and precedent.”     Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1, Drhurd on Parler, and see drmichae… Continue reading

It Can’t Happen in America! Can It?

…ATION: “We plan to ensure Democratic victory in the fall elections via mail-in-voting.” Lockdowns will return. Maybe they’ll even find a way to cancel elections. Can’t happen in America, right? ************** “Texas To Start Busing Illegal Immigrants To Washington, D.C., As Biden Scraps Trump-Era Border Policy” [Daily Wire headline] Good for Texas. But the fascists in D.C. really are totalitarians. They will find ways to retaliate against Texas, a… Continue reading

Self-Sacrifice Does not a Marriage Make

…le test is to ask yourself, “Is it more important for my partner to do such-and-such than it is for me NOT to?” If so, and assuming you love the person, it then makes sense to do it. A compromise should never be made over a dealbreaker. One partner, for example, is sure of never wanting children, while the other wants two within the next few years. That’s likely a dealbreaker. On the other hand, even life-changing decisions can result from a compr… Continue reading

The Potential Pitfalls of an Affair with a Married Person

…must be at peace with them before you pursue anything with her. The same applies to the children. If she divorces her husband, her relationship with them will certainly be affected. Is she willing to make that decision on their behalf? Unless she carefully thinks this out, it will come back to haunt you both. The most rational way to end any confusion is for her to first end the marriage with her husband, on her terms in in her own time, and then… Continue reading

Verify Your ‘Gut Feelings’ with Reality & Reason

…ural, earned and infinitely safer “high.” The quest for shortcuts to happiness includes shortcuts to knowledge. If we could only have knowledge easily and automatically, conveyed through our “guts,” then life would somehow be simpler. Unfortunately, these attempts to short-circuit or bypass reasoning go against the form of cognition our survival, self-esteem and basic happiness requires. We indulge it at our own peril, and sooner or later we pay t… Continue reading

Mutual Interest: Prescription for a Stalled Relationship

…ngs all the time. Why do you think that professional arbitration is a multi-million-dollar business? The unspoken premise of any business relationship is: “Let us both benefit.” That’s called mutuality, and it applies just as well to personal relationships. When dealing with anyone who is not truly your enemy and probably shares your desired outcome, that makes total sense. If the person is your enemy, then there’s no point trying to negotiate. In… Continue reading

Pay Attention to What You Say

…pportive. Nonsense. Of course, if you ask me to agree with you and I can’t comply, I have to be honest with you too. Make-believe doesn’t accomplish anything. One of my favorite phrases is, “I’m not motivated.” When translated into reality, it means, “I’m not going to do this because I don’t feel like it.” “I’m not motivated” is just a convenient bypass around having to give a reason. In reality-speak, one could say, “I don’t see the point of doin… Continue reading