“I’m President and You’re Not”

…ers of the media like Lesley Stahl have what you might call a “superiority complex”. They take their own (alleged) moral superiority and intellectual accuracy as self-evident, as plain as the sun in the sky. President Donald Trump flies in the face of that. It’s not about Trump’s style or manner. It’s about the fact he speaks for the millions of Americans who have always wanted to say, “Lesley Stahl, 60 Minutes and Entrenched Media — you’re not ri… Continue reading

Arlett vs. Carper for Delaware U.S. Senate Seat

…and unsustainable. Here’s hoping Rob Arlett can retire Tom Carper once and for all. Find Dr. Hurd’s and Robert Arlett’s podcasts HERE!   Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1, and see “Michael Hurd” on MeWe…. Continue reading

The Generation that Isn’t Growing Up: What’s Going On?

…30s. They’re not ill, and they don’t abuse drugs or alcohol. Many of them completed college. They’re not particularly irresponsible, but they do seem frightened and insecure while—oddly enough —entitled to a level of comfort that nobody can attain as easily as they seem to assume. Even when grown kids are moved out and working, it’s typical for me to hear complaints from the older generation that we didn’t hear in the past. “My son [or daughter]… Continue reading

Why We Turn Life Problems Into Emotional “Diseases”

…on. How is that a disease? It sounds to me more like a bad habit.” This out-of-control “diseasing” of every unusual behavior, from distracted teenagers to spoiled adults, does disservice to those who might actually suffer from a true physiological problem. These labels don’t tell you anything about the deeper nature of the problem. Though it’s impossible to know the specifics about our angry restaurant patron’s life, we can be sure of three things… Continue reading

We’re in World War III: And Our Opponents are (1) the Virus and (2) the Democratic Deep State

…Ask yourself: If people like the sainted, infallible Dr. Fauci, and the not-to-be-questioned Governor Cuomo (measuring drapes for the White House as we speak), are prepared to shut down civilization indefinitely (potentially starving people) for the sake of saving humanity — then why do they want to deny people the option to attempt a treatment for which we have evidence? What happened to the right to CHOOSE? These heroic physicians, in the video,… Continue reading

Don’t Like Communist America in 2020? You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet!

…Ideas matter. Communism is an idea. In America, it has moved from the university to the cities, suburbs and small towns where you live. If you don’t like what America is becoming in 2020, then you don’t like Communism.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=share&v=oHG9jMvxtfQ&fbclid=IwAR1vT8a1-2txnumowB73I5BWh8OpJYoBsRSVVzrDDAHkPmoncdypY_otQVc&app=desktop… Continue reading

Kids aren’t Growing Up. Could it be their ‘Education’?

…30s. They’re not ill, and they don’t abuse drugs or alcohol. Many of them completed college. They’re not particularly irresponsible, but they do seem frightened and insecure while—oddly enough —entitled to a level of comfort that nobody can attain as easily as they seem to assume. Even when grown kids are moved out and working, it’s typical for me to hear complaints from the older generation that we didn’t hear in the past. “My son [or daughter]… Continue reading