It’s No Longer About The Wall

…ers. Democrats and leftists want essentially open borders. It’s insane. No free country can have open borders. Why? Because open borders will let in terrorists and others who mean harm. But in a welfare state — a massive, entitlement-based redistribution-of-wealth state, which we have — it’s an open door for moochers and a permanent class of citizens dependent on the government. Whatever you think of President Trump’s border wall, it’s no longer a… Continue reading

Do Friendships Last Forever? Should They?

…a friendship? Wondering what to say is really just a distraction from the real issue. The real issue is refusing to waste your time by perpetrating a fraud against somebody else. Imagine how you would feel if you discovered somebody was pretending to like you out of pity, or for no other reason than your “history.” Some people who have difficulty ending unsatisfying friendships tell me, “I’m not going to throw away all those good years.” Ridiculo… Continue reading

Do friendships last forever?

…a friendship? Wondering what to say is really just a distraction from the real issue. The real issue is refusing to waste your own time by perpetrating a fraud against somebody else. If you’re really so concerned about what to say to this person whose company you no longer enjoy, then why are you content with being a phony in his presence? Imagine how you would feel if you discovered somebody was pretending to be your friend out of pity, or for n… Continue reading

Do Friendships Always Last Forever?

…a friendship? Wondering what to say is really just a distraction from the real issue. The real issue is refusing to waste your time by perpetrating a fraud against somebody else. Imagine how you would feel if you discovered somebody was pretending to like you out of pity, or for no other reason than your “history.” Some people who have difficulty ending unsatisfying friendships say, “I’m not going to throw away all those good years.” Ridiculous…. Continue reading

Does a President Have Total Control Over the Economy?

…nment expenditures, depend? Have Obama’s policies contributed to the lower price of gas — prices which escalated under those same policies in the first five years of his term? Why did the same policies lead to higher prices in one case, and lower prices in another — assuming his policies are directly responsible? Could Obama’s steadfast opposition to oil drilling in or near the United States cause prices to be higher than they otherwise would be,… Continue reading

Get Ready for Food Lines/Food Shortages on Day 1 of Kamala

…nowflake generation (70 percent of whom will vote for Kamala) react to our coming Communism. The elites (1 percent of the population) and the politically connected will not suffer, but lots of Democrat voters and even anti-Trumper libertarians/conservatives will be asking for this during mail-in election season and on election day. Careful what you wish for, fools. P.S. Red states must simply defy and nullify these controls. That’s part of what I… Continue reading

How Obamacare Redefines “Health Insurance”

…are, various levels of government have been doing this to health insurance companies. For example, they require that health insurance plans cover this or that type of treatment or service. This prevented the marketplace from operating as a marketplace should, offering various levels or types of policies — in different price ranges — to customers in a competitive, for-profit marketplace. It’s essentially like government passing a law stating that b… Continue reading

Disorders are not a free pass

…sibility. The crucial issue is whether she allows herself to recognize her free will, and her choice to validate or refute basic ideas. Psychiatrist Aaron Beck suggests that man is a practical scientist and possesses the capacity to form and reject suppositions about everyday events and issues. In other words, reason and logic are not reserved just for the research lab. We have to use it every day. Examples include, ‘Which house should I buy?’ Or,… Continue reading

Is Blocking of Websites in America’s Future?

…amed and indefinable point. We have to be clear on something. The right to freedom of speech is incompatible with any alleged “right” not to be insulted. If the government may block websites, or otherwise restrict freedom of speech, because some protected government group has been “offended,” then freedom of speech cannot last for long, not even in America. American society may not be Russia, but American society is filled with hyper-sensitive vic… Continue reading

Obamacare “Glitches”: It’s Socialism 101

…lacks practicality. We have to let go of the idea that Obama is simply the latest in a long line of inept socialist leaders, and if we just find the right leader—well then, we’ll be on our way. Socialism by its very nature removes accountability, self-responsibility and rational human choice from the equation. Removing these things is always bad and wrong. Whenever human beings set out to do something bad or wrong in theory, it ends up faltering o… Continue reading

Obama’s Whistleblower Protection of Convenience

…oning what they do. They present a civil and even admirable posture to the community, while in reality there’s nothing civil or honorable about them. A caretaking government is just a dysfunctional family with lots of armies, guns and hundreds of thousands of contradictory, unclear laws and regulations. A dysfunctional family member can drive you crazy or ruin your childhood. A dysfunctional government can put you in jail, or even kill you while d… Continue reading

Happiness is Not an Entitlement

…ives easier, cleaner, longer, and more profitable. When this country was becoming the greatest in the world (yes, with all its imperfections, still the best) we had none of this ‘new frontier’ and ‘entitlement’ drivel that we have today. Understand that I’m not condemning voluntary charity or voluntarily doing whatever you want to do to help others. I’m wholeheartedly for it! But I don’t think our government was created to be the multi-trillion do… Continue reading