Leftists and terrorists aim to cancel culture as we know it. They tear down statues honoring freedom and achievement. They intimidate us into abandoning the national anthem, sports, humor, success, and anything connected to capitalism; and they condemn beauty, romance, … Continue reading
Category: Society & Culture
HATE is Where the Left Is
Vice President Joe Biden recently asked: “Does anyone believe there will be less violence in America if Donald Trump is reelected?” My question: Do Joe Biden and Democrats think there will be no unrest if they are elected? No resistance? … Continue reading
It’s 2019. What If I Had Told You … ?
It’s October 2020. What if I had told you, just one year ago, in October 2019: The government would be paying millions of people upward of $75K a year, to stop working, indefinitely? At least 50 percent of the world’s … Continue reading
Mayday: America
One thing both Trump and Biden supporters have in common in this election: Each side talks as if the outcome will decide everything for all time. Here’s what Trump supporters seem to feel: “If Trump wins, then the battle for … Continue reading
It’s Not Really Trump vs. Biden; It’s Plato vs. Aristotle
You will never understand politics and government until you appreciate the power of philosophy. You will never figure out ethics or psychology until you understand underlying philosophy. It all boils down to a duel between the original two philosophers: Plato, … Continue reading
Earth to Leftists: Pro-Freedom Positions ARE NOT THE SAME AS RACISM
Michelle Obama recently ranted in a video that President Trump, and his supporters, are “stoking fears” about “black and brown” Americans. The evidence, please? Calling for lower tax rates has nothing to do with race. Lifting regulations on business has … Continue reading
Some People NEED a Pandemic
The people upset over President Trump saying “don’t let fear of COVID dominate your life”: 1) Have no life, have nothing else to think about; 2) Like sickness, because it gives their empty lives a sense of purpose (at the … Continue reading
We Have CNN and MSNBC. What Good is Fox News?
Fox News: Why is this dishonest, openly partisan hack still on your network? You are not fooling ANY of your Republican or independent viewers. Do you really think CNN and MSNBC-watchers can sustain you? Good luck with that. … Continue reading
Why Leftists Sneer at President Trump’s COVID Diagnosis
It makes psychological sense that leftists celebrate President Trump’s positive COVID test. Their ideology doesn’t permit celebration. Their ideology has no value. All Communism would bring is stagnation, starvation, despair, repression and conformity. Communism means the ABSENCE of value. Communism … Continue reading
Confirmation Bias Is Not Science!
Confirmation bias: defined as the tendency to interpret new evidence as confirmation of one’s existing beliefs or theories. Example: “President Trump is seen in public not wearing a mask. President Trump tested positive for COVID. Therefore, wearing a mask prevents … Continue reading
They Hate … But What Do They Love?
Wretched, tyrannical sycophants like Rashida Tlaib and Bette Midler are mocking and scolding President Trump since he tested positive for COVID. Rest assured, Facebook and Twitter will NOT censor any of their remarks, not ever. In order to hate with … Continue reading
BLM vs. Trump Supporters: In the Eyes of a Virginia State Trooper
I received this from a highly credible person I know, Stephen B Hyle. I assume it’s for real, and it’s eminently believable — and moving. From a Virginia State Trooper who worked the Trump Rally Friday night in Newport News. … Continue reading