Q: What exactly goes through the minds of people who rationalize an unwritten “social contract” to justify having to pay taxes and such? It’s quite obnoxious having that same useless drivel brought up again and again whenever I get into … Continue reading
Category: Society & Culture
A Nation Missing in Action
America’s original leaders promised–and delivered–on creating a society in which everyone was both free and responsible for pursuing his own interests. Today’s leaders promise to provide medical care, retirement pensions and college tuition, and much more, in unlimited amounts for … Continue reading
Celebrities: Shut Up
It’s really in poor taste for people with a lot of money to publicly tell people with a lot less money how they should be more charitable. This is what most of our celebrities do. These are people who have … Continue reading
Man Is Not a Pack Animal
Man is by nature selfish and self-interested. He is not made (in nature) to follow the pack. He does so at his peril. Man must function as an individual, no matter how much he gains from the accomplishments of others. … Continue reading
Psychological Populism
Q: Dr. Hurd, why do so many people become fascinated with the plight of others, especially celebrities? For example, there’s Britney Spears. Or the actor from “Brokeback Mountain” who may have killed himself? A: I don’t know that most people … Continue reading
The Best ARE Big
Q: What do people mean when they use the expression: “bigger than myself/themselves.” Sports commentators, for example, say about individual athletes in team sports: “No one player is bigger than the game (football, baseball, etc.) itself.” Or people who justify … Continue reading
Welcome, 2008
Nearly everybody complains that politicians are dishonest–yet the most dishonest ones stand the best chance of winning. (For details, check out the front runners in this year’s race). Nearly everyone agrees that education is a paramount value, and that public … Continue reading
Greatness Is Out There, Somewhere
Having someone to look up to gives a sense of hope, inspiration and encouragement. It tells you that you too can have that success or, even if you cannot, that at least wonderful things exist in the world. Having someone … Continue reading
“It’s Mine”
“I have always voted for Chavez, but he wants a dictatorship like Cuba. I don’t want the government to take my small house. It’s mine.” I know we’re all trained to condemn selfishness, but this man (a voter in Venezuela) … Continue reading
The Heavy Lifters
In any society, there are those who do the heavy lifting. They’re always the minority. And, they’re not motivated by concern for all; they’re motivated by self-interest. They might (or might not) care about concern for all, but in all … Continue reading
Thank You
Most are thankful to God. I am thankful to man — specifically, to those individuals who (over the centuries) have created the countless things I need for survival and enjoyment: automobiles, plumbing, mass produced food, medicine, electricity, computers, televisions … … Continue reading