Thanks to the Human Spirit at its Best

…rime target. I like it when people are selfish in this sense. The more self-interest people possess, the more (in the exercise of that self-interest) they create and produce. That’s the means by which the world becomes a better place. Throughout most of human history, societies have struggled with hunger and starvation. Starvation still plagues societies that have not yet gone through industrial and technological revolutions as we did. In our part… Continue reading

“It Is What It Is” — How Good a Tool of Coping?

…done such-and-such and you don’t like it, the focus of a serene life means simply mastering and controlling all that is your legitimate terrain. This is more than enough focus for any person to handle. You can fume and rage — worry, or get depressed — about the fact that others are not acting or thinking in a way you believe they should. Your attitudes might even be provably right. But at the end of the session of worrying, fuming or raging, what… Continue reading

When Sleep Eludes You …

…over? When you’re rushing, it might feel like you’re “multitasking” and accomplishing something good. But, after the dust settles, you’ve often forgotten things, made mistakes and had to do things over. Some people rush because they want to get as much done as possible. Yet, rushing often accomplishes just the opposite. Relax! You might get fewer things done, but you’ll get them done right. Here are four tips that can help you control stress: (1)… Continue reading

Why There’s No Such Thing as “Freedom of Religion”

…ly tax-funded public school, only to teach things that conform to his point-of-view rather than the conservative’s. A leftist will say, ‘I am entitled to a public school to teach my children that homosexuality and abortion are OK, that global warming is for real and the government must restrain technology.’ A conservative will say, ‘I am entitled to a public school to teach that sex outside of marriage is wrong, abortion is murder and prayer is th… Continue reading

The Benefits and Hazards of First Impressions (DE Coast Press)

…hrough emotions and undefined feelings alone. Rely on the facts and your objective observations to make sure that your impressions are accurate and fair. Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1 Dr. Hurd is now a Newsmax Ins… Continue reading

Be an Outlaw! (DE Wave)

For many people, the new year brings a bit of soul-searching and an objective look at where your past decisions have brought you today. An old friend of mine once told me that people who live full-time at a seasonal resort could be described as “outlaws.” Of course, she meant no offense, and it got me thinking about living here in the comparative isolation of the off-season. I took her remark as a compliment. It does take a special kind of person… Continue reading

How much is your time worth?

…familiar with, but isn’t widely understood. It’s called OCD, or ‘obsessive-compulsive disorder.’ OCD is defined as: ‘Recurrent or persistent thoughts, impulses or images that are experienced as intrusive and inappropriate, and that cause marked anxiety or distress.’ Feeling unable to leave that parking spot is not, by itself, any kind of proof that one suffers from OCD. It might, however, suggest some possible tendencies. An obsessive person feel… Continue reading

An “I Wish” Based Presidency

…hing doesn’t merely make it so. Yet, Obama is on his way to being Commander-in-Chief with not an ounce of foreign policy experience, nor really any experience that has made equally young Presidents (such as JFK and Bill Clinton) perceived as ready for such high office. Nearly any of the contenders in Obama’s party would have been infinitely more qualified, in terms of experience. But evidently in America 2008, wishing is all you need to make it so… Continue reading