Obama’s Virtual Dictatorship

…ident to openly and blatantly (with no apologies) tell Congress that he’ll simply enforce his own law if they don’t give him the one he wants. Franklin Delano Roosevelt tried to pack the Supreme Court, but eventually stood down. Obama doesn’t stand down. President Nixon would have been impeached, but decided to resign instead after his association with a political break-in was exposed. President Clinton did face impeachment for perjury in a sexual… Continue reading

Tax Increases (or Cuts) Not the Real Issue

…rvention outside of violent and fraudulent criminals. This would involve a complete U-turn, a total reversal in policy of the last 75 years or more. America today resembles a drunk, a drug addict or a compulsive gambler. Our current politicians represent the final spree of a reckless and out-of-control addict. Soon we’ll either “hit bottom” and begin that course reversal, or be finished for good. Before long, we’ll know.   Be sure to “friend” Dr…. Continue reading

Military Can’t Find Fit Young People

…s or other cosmetic issues. Most, on both the “left” and the “right,” will complain that today’s young people are too selfish. If only they were more selfless and self-sacrificing, then the military would have better young people from which to choose. Or so we’ll be told. Calls for a military draft will strengthen, on the premise that “drafting young people will make them less selfish, and foster a sense of service and sacrifice for the nation.” Y… Continue reading

Unemployment Benefits? Sure! Economic Growth? Forget About It

…we’ll be on our way to economic and material prosperity on an undreamed of scale. Be sure to “friend” Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest…. Continue reading

Church, State and School on the Delaware Football Field

…/14] states: The Cape Henlopen School District [Lewes DE] has replied to a complaint that its football coach publicly prayed with his players after a game. But two board members say the issue merits more discussion. “This is not a board decision … matter of fact, the letter was not even shared with us until after it was sent,” said board member Sandi Minard. The letter is in response to a Freedom from Religion Foundation letter sent to the distric… Continue reading

Go East, Young Man (in a Toyota)

…ancial support to our political regime in Washington DC. To keep these anti-free market regimes in power, states like California must remain one-party / high tax/ high regulation states, although it’s hard to imagine that changing in California any time soon. Of course, lower taxes and less government are not the only reason for Toyota’s move, according to the 4/27/14 Los Angeles Times report. Unlike 1982, when Toyota’s American division first cen… Continue reading

What’s the Difference Between Self-Esteem and Narcissism? (DE Wave)

…else out. And it supports what I’ve been telling people for years: If you simply concentrate on enjoying and excelling at your work, success will almost always follow. Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1 Check out Dr…. Continue reading

People, Like Bridges, Need Structural Integrity Too

…uld it not? I don’t respect people who say and think one thing, and then selflessly do something entirely different in the presence of certain others. If I cannot respect a person of low character, that person surely cannot respect him- or herself. In this sense, self-esteem and morality are connected. To feel good about yourself, you have to know that you ARE good. If you haven’t been good, then by using a rational standard you can get yourself t… Continue reading

Classes Don’t Exist in a Free Society

…illion for that matter? While there are plenty of worthwhile, talented and competent people who won’t earn a million or billion dollars in their lifetimes, Obama and his cohorts running the sinking Big Government ship in Washington (with rare exception) are not among them. By and large, they’re the least morally and practically qualified to do anything. Why do you think they keep disappointing voters in a big way? Visitors from another planet woul… Continue reading

The Fatal American Hypocrisy

…in principle; but in many real-life respects we are. We evade this fact by simply pretending that we’re not. That’s the American hypocrisy. Here is the deeper question most of us evade but cannot escape: Is an individual’s life an end in itself—or a means to the ends of others’? In other words: should your top concerns be the addition on your house, your cruise vacation, and your child’s tutor? Or somebody else’s addition, somebody else’s child, o… Continue reading

The Debate Republicans and Democrats are Not Having Over Health Care

…r or not the government ultimately succeeds in its never-ending efforts to completely nationalize the private practice of medicine, one fact can never be wished away: Only uncoerced individuals, working in the spirit of voluntary and rational cooperation, can create the products and knowledge required for human survival and the luxuries required for the good life. This explains why the protection of individual rights is of paramount importance, an… Continue reading