Do Bidenistas Want WWW III? Of Course They Do!

…uld have been, had they WON WW II and begun to occupy the United States. Biden is a demented incompetent, but he’s the puppet for people who clearly want us all impoverished and probably, ultimately, dead. If you were an enemy of the United States, you’d want most Americans weakened or killed, too. So World War III is a no-brainer in this context. Of course they want it. It’s only a matter of strategy and selling it to a mass population foolish en… Continue reading

Let the Facts Guide your Opinions

…h no opinions would be drab and one-dimensional. The Declaration of Independence was one gigantic list of opinions that resulted in important freedoms we enjoy today. Many of us associate opinions only with mindless people (especially when we disagree with them), but opinions based on reason and fact can change the world. Another image of an “opinionated” person is one who talks and talks about nothing in particular. This is what some mental healt… Continue reading

Capitalism for Dummies

…ow has Wall Street in another slide. Is this what the American economy has come to? Dependence on the well-being of a fascist, pseudo-capitalist dictatorship? America used to lead the way. Now it’s dependent on the well-being of China in order to remain “stable”–i.e., frozen in place. If America were still a mostly free market, truly capitalist economy, China would be looking to our well-being, not the other way around. In America, unlike anywhere… Continue reading

DemComs Want Us Barefoot and Pregnant

…upport comes mostly from the middle class. The uber wealthy are almost all Democrats; the uber wealthy don’t have to worry about inflation or taxes, not too much. And the poor are dependent on the government. Democrats are the party of unlimited government, so most of the poor are good with that. There are notable exceptions to what I am saying, but these are the trends. The middle class is not inherently superior. No class is. But the existence o… Continue reading

Barack’s Plan to Equalize Wealth in 23 Months or Less

…you might, the private sector is where all wealth is created. Without that sector, Google and Microsoft would be gone — and Obama’s middle class Mom demanding free child care, or whatever else, will be in a whole lot of trouble.   The above citations are from and 2/9/15. Be sure to “friend” Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links… Continue reading

Integrity Does Not Mean Being a Crusader

…re a corrupt government welfare state impoverishes nearly everyone. Any hardened social worker will tell you just how lacking in compassion and filled with red-tape government “charity” agencies are. The vulnerable only have a chance at getting help in a society where government stays out of the economy and leaves producers free to produce. It’s true that help and charity in an economically free society are voluntary. I would make no apologies for… Continue reading

If Newsom Prevails … Watch Out, California Dissidents & Patriots!

…g the rattlesnake loose. And, of course, he will have his eyes on the presidency of the national dictatorship (formerly the American republic) being firmly established through Biden by Obama, Soros, Zuckerberg, Jobs’ widow and all the others.     Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics… Continue reading

David Horowitz Knew America’s Future Back in the 1990s

…out, you wouldn’t have been blindsided by the recent transformation of the Democrat party into a veritable Communist Party — the culmination of a process that, as outlined by Horowitz in this book, began way back in 1968. On top of everything else, Horowitz is a wellspring of abiding truths about the left. For many progressives, he writes, it would be more offensive to support their own country’s democratic government in a struggle against a palpa… Continue reading

Sorry, Nikki: Soros money can’t buy EVERYTHING!

…, Republican places like South Carolina, Texas and Florida will go red and Democratic Communist places like New York and California will go blue on election night in November. It will all turn on greater Atlanta, greater Philadelphia, Michigan and Wisconsin. Those places are run by the same people who pulled off the fraud last time. Zuckerberg and Soros money will pour into supporting the fraud, and you can bet the sum total of that money that Joh… Continue reading