The Psychology of Loyalty

…Many people choose friends and romantic partners based only on vague or unidentified feelings. Then when it comes time to be loyal (or disloyal) to friends or associates, they’re unclear about what they’re actually being loyal to. They have no guidelines other than undefinable feelings. If someone annoys you for a trivial reason, you might back away from them without really knowing why, and regret it later. Conversely, if someone betrays you over… Continue reading

Bad Therapy: Worse Than No Therapy? You Bet! (DE Coast Press)

…realistic and uplifting people. After all, isn’t happiness and peace of mind the goal of pretty much any therapeutic relationship? If this makes sense, there’s even more good information in my book. You can read the first few pages at Be sure to “friend” Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with… Continue reading

Didn’t Government Create the Internet?

…ate sector the result of a few bureaucrats in the Department of Defense or Commerce coming up with such a thing? This is like saying that microtechnology spawned by the space program makes government responsible for all laptop computers. This kind of thinking is the naive fantasy of a Communist intellectual of the 1930s, not somebody in contact with the objective reality of 2014. Nothing is valuable unless it’s put to use. Ingenious and productive… Continue reading

10 Steps for Choosing a Therapist

…ou need to surround yourself with non-toxic, positive, realistic and uplifting people. After all, isn’t happiness and peace of mind the goal of pretty much any therapeutic relationship? If this makes sense, there’s even more good information in my book. You can read the first few pages at     Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links,… Continue reading

Sharia Law Comes to Texas: The Price of Philosophical Disarmament

…defend any of our liberties in theory, much less in practice, even when it comes to the timid violations (compared to Islamofascists) of our own elected officials. Is it any wonder the people who seek religiously based totalitarianism respond to this weakness by setting up shop in the land founded by the ideas of Jefferson, Franklin, Adams and Madison? The radical fundamentalists seeking to undermine the most basic roots of our justice system are… Continue reading

The Young Love Bernie Sanders…But Do They Love Socialist Venezuela?

…way. He’s a socialist who became a Democrat simply to be eligible for the Democratic nomination for president. (At the moment, he’s winning, which reveals just how socialist the Democratic party was all along.) Bernie Sanders, along with those who applaud him, want government to control everything. Or at least they think they do. But that’s what they already have in Venezuela. Witness the results. It’s too much for even The Washington Post to exc… Continue reading

PBS Columnist vs. Ayn Rand: Is Altruism Biological?

…re cooperation. But self-interest inspires authentic cooperation more than compulsion ever could. Compulsion was not required to create the awe-inspiring technological civilization that America became, after only being a wilderness two centuries before. It did not take compulsion to create Standard Oil, IBM, Microsoft, Apple, ExxonMobil, McDonalds, Netflix, Amazon, Uber, grocery store chains or any of the other manifestations of self-interest whic… Continue reading

America’s Psychological Great Depression

…owth, risk-taking, innovation and ingenuity. Whether it’s Apple, Amazon or Uber, we have shown signs of life more recently, as well. But as long as so many Americans (Republicans as well as Democrats) remain angry at the wrong people for the wrong reasons, with government getting little or none of the blame for the misery it creates by interfering in the economy, we’re on a dead-end track to nowhere. How disappointing the Republican candidates for… Continue reading

Is Donald Trump a Narcissist?

…ake of others. One might infer from this that Donald Trump, who wants to become president, is just as much a narcissist as anyone else. But compared to the career politicians who dominate today’s government (and act based on who gives them the most money), Trump deserves some benefit of the doubt. Unlike so many of our lifelong politicians, he did have to persuade customers to buy his properties and products voluntarily. Politicians, on the other… Continue reading

When Condemning Donald Trump, Democrats Describe Themselves

…e’s no question that Elizabeth Warren, Hillary Clinton and other socialist Democrats do so. The entire Democratic Party is based on class warfare. “The rich guys have it and you don’t. We’re taking it from them, and giving it to you.” It’s not even true. There are not enough rich people to cover the $19 trillion dollars in debt and trillions more in deficit spending the Democrats and their Republican lackeys engage in. A lot of it comes from the m… Continue reading

Hitleresque. Truly.

…perverse and pernicious is THAT? Then we hear Bill Gates, a prominent and uber-wealthy Democrat, saying, in effect, “Well, we can’t reopen any time soon. It may take years.” And the architect of Obamacare saying we can probably never open up again, not before a cure. And then Governor Cuomo, the “moderate” voice of “reason” essentially saying, “We can open up eventually. But not until everyone gets stamped as immune or not.” Like the lines for co… Continue reading