Federal “No-Fly List” a Convenient Enemies List for Politicians

…place citizens that a president’s staff deems “a threat” on a no-fly list? Compiling watchlists without any requirement of facts or proof? Is this really who we are? If it is, then we are no longer a free country. Neither in principle nor, it seems, in practice. You can follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion… Continue reading

Say Good-bye to the Internet as We Know it

…enterprise, and relatively free enterprise at that. Surely, there are some companies who have complaints about how things are going, and therefore they want the federal government to take over because they believe that will benefit their business interests. But this isn’t what the federal government is supposed to do. The government is, in fact, supposed to remain an authentically neutral policeman — enforcing private property rights and upholding… Continue reading

The Psychology of Complaining

…alidated, or otherwise psychologically visible to the person who hears the complaints. Sometimes, when one complains, all one wants to do is vent. I bring this up to psychotherapy clients fairly frequently. I tell them, for example, “We can vent about what’s not going right. That’s perfectly fine, and I’m here to listen. But we can also try to construct a possible solution. Which one are you more interested in doing right now?” This puts the perso… Continue reading

Her Father the Monster

…ious and secular — all too well. The platitudes come like clockwork. But a completely different attitude is coming, amazingly enough, from the defendant’s daughter, Angie Gregg. In an interview with CNN, Castro’s daughter stated, ‘He is dead to me ‘ There will be no visits; there will be no phone calls,” she said. “He can never be Daddy again. I have no sympathy for the man.” Does she forgive her father? Her reply: “I wonder this whole time, how h… Continue reading

The Giuliani Backpedal and What It Says About Republicans

…a has a spine. Here’s a recent USA Today story also reported by rallypoint.com: Rudy Giuliani sought to clarify his comments that President Obama doesn’t love America, saying in an op-ed column in The Wall Street Journal he “didn’t intend to question” the president’s “motives or the content of his heart.” If he didn’t intend to do so, then why did he say it? And if he did mean to question Obama’s motives — since he did — then why does he lie about… Continue reading

The Internet Tax: One More Effort to Snuff Out Freedom

…or 1000 different sales tax policies in as many tax jurisdictions? Amazon.com and other large companies have no problem with the law. They realize it’s probably coming sooner or later anyway, and while they don’t relish another tax, they do relish the opportunity to beat out smaller competitors who can’t handle the nightmare of confusion and record-keeping required even to properly pay such a tax. A tax on the Internet would not only be a tax inc… Continue reading

Not Sure About Climate Change? RFK Jr. Wants You in Prison

…Or, at least challenges to the prevailing and established opinion might become just as prevalent as the established and recieved “wisdom.” Kennedy’s solution? Silence them. Throw them in jail. In the video, Kennedy comments that he doesn’t think you can do that. But clearly he wishes you could. And if there’s justice in the world, as he defines it, we presumably will. Does this not sound like fascism to you? If not, then what would it take for yo… Continue reading

Hey–Where Did My Freedom Go?

…ays and weeks after a crisis. But not thereafter,’ it’s not that much of a comfort. Once these politicians get started with chopping the concept of individual rights even further down than they already have, there’s no stopping them. Case in point: When Hillary Clinton’s plan for socialized medicine crashed and burned back in 1994, she and her supporters essentially said, ‘No worries. We’ll be back.’ And in 2010/2012, they got everything they want… Continue reading

Obama: You Can Be Racist and Still Be Rational

…this overrides all of his other considerations.” [Sources: businessinsider.com 5/21/15, and TheAtlantic.com 5/21/15] How many things can you find wrong with this statement? I’m reminded of Ayn Rand’s idea that there are no conflicts among rational men. “Rational men,” in this context, refer to individuals who do not seek to initiate force or fraud against others. She’s right, that there need be no conflicts among rational people by this definition… Continue reading

Close Your Eyes and Think of England: Hillary’s Running

…t else do these progressive socialist Democrats want? Clinton, reports AFP.com and Newsmax.com, will face pressure from the progressive wing of her party to adopt a more populist economic message focused on income inequality. Some liberals remain skeptical of Clinton’s close ties to Wall Street donors and the “centrist” economic policies of her husband’s administration. They have urged her to back tougher financial regulations and tax increases on… Continue reading

Did Southwest Airlines Contribute to a Suicide?

…sons? Some will say, “Yes, Southwest employees should have done the right, common sense-oriented and compassionate thing, and let this woman call her husband despite the law.” But once the lawsuits, fines and bad publicity drove up costs, what then? Surely ticket costs would have to go up. Or perhaps employees would be let go. There has to be a consequence somewhere, if the airline is to keep on staying in business. Remember that making an excepti… Continue reading