Progressive Ideas: Not Just Wrong, But Potentially Deadly

…them. They’re motivated to do this because they have some kind of rescuing complex combined with the lust for power. Progressives in power turn victim groups into victims – even in defiance of the facts – because it satisfies their need to be seen as heroes and to acquire power. The typical progressive out of power applauds and approves these actions, because it makes the progressive feel good about him- or herself and virtuous in the eyes of thei… Continue reading

Mistrust and Forget About Verify

…ce all over the world and nothing more,” Khamenei added. [sources: 4/10/15,] This gives you an idea about the level of commitment within Iran’s leadership about their willingness to follow either the letter or the spirit of Obama’s agreement. Iran is a religiously based totalitarian dictatorship. There are no checks and balances, no elections, and no Constitution they even claim to follow. The attitudes and opinions… Continue reading