Government “Researchers” in Newsrooms?

…ling in the free press rankings? Ajit Pai, a commissioner with the Federal Communications Commission, warned this week in a Wall Street Journal op-ed that a plan to dispatch researchers into radio, television and even newspaper newsrooms called the “Multi-Market Study of Critical Information Needs” is still going forward, despite the grave danger it presented to the First Amendment. Pai warned that under the rationale of increasing minority repres… Continue reading

Come Clean, Costco

…not the point. I’m waiting to see if the founder of Costco, or his present company management, comes clean. This is a perfect opportunity for him to state the obvious, given his openly pro-Obama views. His integrity demands it, as well as the concerns of probably half his customers, now inclined to take their business elsewhere. Of course, I’m not holding my breath. If Costco’s leadership came clean, they’d have to admit that running your business… Continue reading

Gallup Poll: Black “Well Being” Down Since Obama

…ice once held by the likes of Jefferson, Washington and Lincoln actually becomes. Put simply, the presidency will not matter as the United States comes to matter less and less as the inspiration for liberty and prosperity it once was. These Gallup polls suggest that for many black people, there was an invalid sense of “hope and change” when Obama got elected in 2008. Hence the initial emotional “stimulus.” However, as time went by it became clear… Continue reading

IRS and Benghazi Scandals Get Yawns: Is America Becoming Stupid?

…’re living in an age where what you say and its relation with the facts is completely irrelevant as we see in the presidential campaign. And it’s carrying over into the hearings.” [ 10/22/15] Krauthammer is right — whether it’s Benghazi, the IRS scandal or so many other things. People we put in charge routinely and blithely lie and get away with it. Is it because most people are stupid? In a sense, yes. But what does “stupid”… Continue reading

Regulating Doggie Day Care

…a government employee who’s not accountable for much and a private-sector company competing to give their dog the best possible care, I believe the vast majority would choose the latter. Yet the overwhelming majority assumes that “regulation” is a must, and that government is the only thing standing between themselves and imminent death and destruction. They appear not to grasp how much they’re really counting on the good will, rational self-inte… Continue reading

Hey, Jim Jefferies: Humor is Not an Argument for Gun Control

…t the window waiting for machetes to come through. [Source: 6/26/15, 6/26/15] Jefferies’ point? It’s ludicrous to think you’ll always be prepared for an intruder, a burglar or a home invader. Therefore, the implication goes, you don’t need a gun. You could not possibly use one, anyway. Of course, there are plenty of people who have alleviated the use of force via intelligent ownership of a weapon. Why would anyone… Continue reading

Trump Says Medicare is Popular — So What?

…my can find a way to sustain debts and deficits too high for economists or computers to calculate, or tax rates so high that the economy will grind to a complete halt, Medicare (like Social Security) cannot go on forever. Debate should be open to how best, or in what way, start privatizing Medicare and all of health care in America. Until or unless we get to that point, no discussion of the subject makes any moral or economic sense. Even flailing… Continue reading

A Little Bit of War is a Dangerous Thing

…or bad. It’s the guns, stupid. Obama will give us a little bit of war—just a little. But war without principle or ideals (of any kind) to back it up is a truly unjust thing. And a very dangerous one, too. [Sources of news items: and]   Be sure to “friend” Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion… Continue reading

Why Young People Don’t Vote Republican

…he for-profit, private enterprise private sector. Everything worthwhile or competent comes from the private sector. And then there are entitlements. Actually, it makes sense that older and middle-aged people are worried about Medicare and Social Security. Assuming they worked, they were forced to pay into these programs all these years and naturally want younger people to pay into them now. “I was forced to pay for the elderly when I was younger;… Continue reading

Obama Puts America on Disability

…the program cost taxpayers $132 billion the previous year — more than the combined annual budgets of the Departments of Agriculture, Homeland Security, Commerce, Labor, Justice, and the Interior. But the cost has risen even more since then and is estimated to reach $144 billion this year — up from an inflation-adjusted $56 billion as recently as 2000, according to a report from the Cato Institute. A major reason for the surge in disability claims… Continue reading

Obama’s Decline and Fall of the American Republic

According to and, congressional lawmakers urged the Obama administration to crank up the offensive against the Islamic State after another video surfaced purporting to show the graphic execution of an American journalist. Two weeks after American James Foley was beheaded by his Islamic State captors, the reports say, a video emerged Tuesday afternoon claiming to show freelance journalist Steven Sotloff being executed in the sa… Continue reading

America’s Economy: Failure to Thrive Hits Poorest the Hardest

…at rates that were higher than the national average.” [Sources:,, Annie E. Casey Foundation] I’m confused. I’m repeatedly told that things like government health insurance, minimum wage law increases, increases in food stamps, higher taxes for people who make more than $250,000 a year, and increased spending on public education and community colleges make life better for everyone, particularly for African-American, American… Continue reading