Psychological Labels Describe, But Do Not Explain (DE Wave)

…complaint over raised voices. We hear all the time about road rage that becomes violent, or verbal and physical attacks from strangers over insignificant things. Why are some people on such a hair-trigger? Well (surprise, surprise), some members of my profession (much to the satisfaction of clever criminal lawyers) have turned this irresponsible lack of self-control into a “disease.” Apparently the only thing our screaming aggressor needed was a… Continue reading

So You Want to Be a Therapist (DE Coast Press)

…“Bad Therapy, Good Therapy (And How to Tell the Difference),” available at Emotions can be slow and difficult to change, especially when they stem from irrational or false beliefs absorbed early in life. In my view, my friend’s childhood years did not “form” him as such. He is not damaged goods. And hopefully, if he becomes a therapist, he won’t encourage his future clients in to view themselves in that way. Whenever someone asks,… Continue reading

The Road to Hell (not Mecca) as Paved by Juan Williams

…ho opened fire on the event. Watch the short video excerpt here: Led to … that’s the key phrase here. Watch the video again. Williams actually holds Geller accountable for the deaths of the people who planned and attempted to kill her (and others at the event). Talk about blaming the victim. It’s a metaphor for the whole sorry “war on terror” that America’s government will no longer even acknowledge is… Continue reading

Irrational Fears + Magical Thinking = Trouble (DE Wave)

…, “Bad Therapy, Good Therapy and How to Tell the Difference” (available at by the way), outlines step-by-step methods of being brutally honest with yourself about what you’re feeling, including ways to challenge your feelings when they’re wrong. All this empowers you to live your life fully and take on challenges in spite of your fears. The most common mistake I see people make is to avoid things for no other reason than unfounded a… Continue reading

Ben Carson Hits an Islamic Nerve

…while the military is being gutted by the Obama administration and a weak, compliant and cowardly Republican Congress. With problems like these, why would Carson’s comments, even if they were insensitive and inaccurate — which they are not — rise to the level of demanding he leave the presidential race, after polling second in some surveys? Is it merely political correctness? Or is it a self-loathing too sinister and deep rooted to contemplate? Is… Continue reading