“Yes Means Yes”: Feminist Sexual Puritanism?

…ssue. How do we justify placing the onus of proof on the accused, once any complaint is filed? It’s naive to assume that anyone filing a complaint is automatically and always honest. Furthermore, placing the burden of proof on the accused certainly creates incentives for false filers to abuse the system. How reasonable and fair is that, including for innocent individuals who might benefit from a rational system less capable of being abused? This l… Continue reading

Ohio Abortion Ban: Involuntary Servitude Applied to Parenthood

…expense. One price of such a society is that the government that makes the commitment to caring for everyone will eventually control the activities, behaviors and choices of everyone. The legislation is unique [foxnews.com reports], though not unprecedented. North Dakota passed a similar measure in 2013 that banned abortions motivated by the sex of the baby; a diagnosis for a genetic abnormality such as Down syndrome; or the potential for a geneti… Continue reading

All Children Left Behind

…ated only about a third of students would pass this year’s tougher Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test exam, compared with a passing rate of 80 percent or more last year. What does this say about education as we know it? And what does it say about public education in particular? Florida is a pretty wealthy state and pours plenty of tax money into public education. Plus, the federal Department of Education spends billions of federal taxes every y… Continue reading

Orange is the New Red

…s, either. The Reagan-Clinton-Bush-Obama War on Drugs is based on small-c “communism” or collectivism. Collectivism refers to the idea that we’re all each other’s keepers. On such a premise, it’s morally mandatory that the government intervene to keep people from doing self-destructive or self-defeating things such as trading/using drugs. (Of course, we don’t do that with alcohol, and alcohol can be every bit as destructive.) The color red (which… Continue reading

Gun Rights are Actually Pro-Choice

…ide their homes and to let non-residents carry them as well. [Sources: msn.com, foxnews.com 7/27/14] The basic dispute over gun control is: Do individuals have a right to self-protection, or not? Phrased that way, most people will reply, “Yes, of course.” But when asked if they support gun control or bans, the number hovers around 50 percent. (As one example, see cnn.com Dec. 2013) Why the contradiction? First of all, unless you’re an anarchist, y… Continue reading

Sobering Facts About AA’s Effectiveness

…ir refusal to accept that anyone can drink a little once they’re established as an alcoholic, and that nobody can stop drinking without surrendering to the group dynamics and attitudes of AA. Source: The Hijacking of Sobriety by the Recovery Movement, Reason.com 3/22/14 Be sure to “friend” Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-for… Continue reading

Obama’s Revealing Comments to UK Prime Minister on Free Speech

…ing TV advertising,” responded Cameron. [reported at BuzzFeed.com, thedrum.com and also Twitter.com] I can’t authenticate the truth of Obama’s private remarks to Cameron. But I can make the case that they’re entirely plausible, both logically and psychologically, given Obama’s view of human nature, ethics and the proper social system (in his view) under which human beings should be compelled to live. Of course Obama has fascist, totalitarian tende… Continue reading

Love, Romance and “The Shock of Recognition”

…en article by Peter Cresswell entitled, ‘Don’t Cry for me Aristotle.’ [see www.rebirthofreason.com] The author was writing about the experience of art — whether it be movies, novels, television drama, paintings, sculpture, opera, etc. But what he’s saying has implications for romantic love, as well. Cresswell writes, ‘We experience a performance of Tosca, for example, or we look at a statue of David or a painting of Icarus Landing, and we say to o… Continue reading

Hypnosis: Fact or Fantasy? (DE Wave)

…‘Bad Therapy, Good Therapy: And How to Tell the Difference’ (available at www.DrHurd.com). I’ve heard people say, ‘I went to a hypnotist and stopped smoking — for a few weeks.’ Of course, these people were already motivated to quit. How necessary is ‘suggestion’ when you’ve already suggested to yourself that a certain change is necessary? And it’s interesting that people always say, at least in my experience, that the positive effect of the hypno… Continue reading

Beware of Vacation Syndrome! (DE Wave)

…e the highest death rate per mile (USATODAY Health Spotlight: www.usatoday.com). Here at the beach, I observe more red lights ignored, more tailgating, more aggressive lane changes and more speeding than I ever see in metropolitan areas. I even witnessed, with my own eyes, a driver waving a pistol at the occupants of a car next to him at a light here on Rt. 1. Do these people behave like that at home? Maybe so, maybe not. But, as you probably expe… Continue reading

Environmentalism and Psychology: A Marriage Made in Hell (Part 2 of 2)

…ance. So how can we be so sure what the weather and temperature will be in coming decades and centuries? According to data on the last ten years or more, temperature is dropping. Furthermore, ten or even fifty years are almost nothing in the life of earth and the study of climate change. Science and common sense tell us that you cannot forecast global climate change based on a few years at a time. Climate change occurs over centuries and even mill… Continue reading

Medicating the Mind (Part 2 of 3)

…atient has objective psychological or even character problems. (See http://www.szasz.com/iol14.html) Mental health is not primarily achieved through individuality and independence. As crucial as these qualities are, they are the byproduct of something more fundamental: The determination to be rational, objective and live in reality. A drug addict who rebels against a society of sober, non-drugabusing people, for example, is being independent in a… Continue reading