How to Destroy Your Marriage in One Easy Step

and if self-fulfillment is wrong, there can be no giving. Sure, there are compromises on comparatively unimportant matters, but one makes those compromises for selfish reasons. ‘You’re special to me, you’re beautiful to me—so these concessions don’t bother me with you, while they would with anyone else.’ That’s not selflessness. It’s one of the most personally pleasurable things in the world. If it isn’t, then you don’t really love. If you look a… Continue reading

Do We Need a Declaration of Independence for Chickens?

…ts extremist. You can watch the two-minute video here for yourself: It’s easy to label such a person “wackjob,” or an “extremist.” But she’s got a lot of people supporting her, as you can see from the video. While it might be an isolated case of mental illness or psychological collapse, it’s far too calculated for that. The more compelling thing to examine here is: What are this woman’s assumptions? What… Continue reading

“Money For Nothing” Destroys the Best Within Human Beings

…ssion: “You can’t get something for nothing.” It’s really true. EVERYTHING comes at a price. The freebies that Kamala Harris and Cory Booker stand ready to hand out — calling you racist if you dare question them — come at the price of everything that’s rational, good, decent and self-reliant about a society and the individuals who comprise it. Money for nothing will come at the price of civilization itself. By the time foolish Americans who presen… Continue reading

ObamaCare: The “Final Solution” for the Enslavement of Medicine

…Not only did the gas lines go away, but prices stabilized for some time to come. In recent times prices have gone up again, although for a different reason—because the federal government refuses to allow for drilling in American territory, and likewise refuses to defend American interests in the Middle East. Under all forms of national health insurance, including Obama’Care’ and  Medicare/Medicaid, government seeks to control prices. Under Medicar… Continue reading

Did “Fracking” Save the Day and Lower Gas Prices?

…d not be so high.” Of course, you don’t hear the same explanation when oil prices come down. Are price reductions due to corporate greed? Obviously not. Are they due to a sudden desire of profit-making companies to be charitable? No, it’s not that either. It’s much more basic than that. It’s called the law of supply and demand. It has been said that even in a Communist society — one where the economy is completely run by political incompetents, ra… Continue reading

Why Inflation Now?

…led pandemic of 2020, although it has continued into 2021 and, if Democrat Communists realize their dreams, indefinitely into the future. Through redistribution of wealth, and programs such as open-ended unemployment benefits at higher rates than the market pays for jobs, forgiveness of student loans, and all the rest, the government has poured funny money — thanks to the Federal Reserve’s virtually unlimited power — into the hands of consumers. A… Continue reading

Minimum Wage: Let’s Outlaw the Jobs We Don’t Like

…ome to the level of the highest income earner. Or, two: Lower everyone’s income to the level of the lowest income earner. In short, everyone either makes what Bill Gates or Warren Buffet make; or everyone makes $15 or $10 an hour. I realize nobody is actually proposing this (at least not yet). But this is where the logic of the minimum wage inevitably leads. And if it leads us down such an absurd path, why are we engaging in it part way? Before ca… Continue reading

The Road to Hell (not Mecca) as Paved by Juan Williams

…recognize that the analogy of peaceful protest does not even apply. Unlike open protestors (even peaceful ones), Geller was hosting a private event. She was so concerned about safety and security that she reportedly spent tens of thousands of dollars on it. Her concern probably saved her own life and the lives of those attending the event, along with the crucial and heroic help of the police. Geller was minding her own business, trying to make a p… Continue reading

Open-Ended Lockdown Supporters Are Exploitative

…kdown advocates, are the actual bad guys. Not only are they indifferent to the demise of millions upon millions of small businesses and livelihoods. They exploit the frightened and ill in the process. It’s disgusting.     Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow… Continue reading

Why Governments Don’t Have the RIGHT To Open or Shut Down Commerce

…, because the government authorities in charge of this mess (Dr. Fauci and company) are not competent, do not have good data, and are not honest. Independent scientific authorities outside of the government establishment would have potentially served us all better. But most of us are locked into this false idea that if the government tells us something, it MUST be true. And that if it’s not the government telling us, we can’t trust it. And how wel… Continue reading