Is Free Will a Myth?

…re’s a good, inspiring friend or role model for you! The arguments against free will come from every direction. Religion often teaches there’s no free will because, it claims, everything is controlled by god. Fascists and socialists find it convenient to preach against free will because it means more power and influence for them, and their programs for social control. As comedian-philosopher George Carlin used to say, it’s all B.S. — and it’s all… Continue reading

The Psychology of Britain’s National Health Service

…mpassion merely for advocating such a thing, and that’s the end of it. The reality is completely different. A socialized system — of medical care, most of all — is based on command-and-control, piles of red tape and lack of accountability. Patients feel contempt for their doctors and doctors feel contempt for their patients. Neither works for the other. Everyone is a ward or slave for the State. 6. Sentimentality. We tend to still our own fears ab… Continue reading


…she’s talking about. Cuomo draws a line in some indefinable place when it comes to free speech. Free speech is fine, but you can’t take it too far, he keeps saying. You can’t deliberately provoke. Why not? No answer is ever given. It’s taken as a self-evident fact. But that’s not how ISIS and other proponents of intolerance, including Islamic Sharia Law, think or feel. Geller calls them “devout,” not because she’s praising them, but because she t… Continue reading

DSM-V Exposes Psychiatry as the “Science” of Majority Vote and Focus Groups

…re usually is no evidence for accepting such a premise. There are no blood tests, DNA tests, X-rays or anything equivalent for establishing that there is such a thing as this or that ‘disorder.’ This leads to some rather absurd entanglements when it comes time to approve or ‘vote’ on the final version of the manual. For example, the new diagnosis of ‘mixed anxiety depressive disorder’ was dropped. Why? Because enough people who didn’t like the dis… Continue reading

Faith vs. Reason in the Minds of Children

…-view, including those that relate to the supernatural. The young adult is free to become an agnostic, an atheist, or develop a belief in a different type of supernaturalism. It’s a terrible inconsistency with dangerous psychological implications for a child. “Don’t believe in that monster under the bed. Why? Because there’s no evidence he’s there.” Then, out of the same mouth comes, “Believe in the supernatural, at least if it’s according to our… Continue reading

Obama’s Revealing Comments to UK Prime Minister on Free Speech

…lains to David Cameron or others that he hates political advertising, it’s really the free expression of ideas that he’s attacking. He’s convinced his ideas are right and better. There will always be those who object to his policies of socialism, and there will always be reams of facts, historical precedents and philosophical dissension to counter both the morality and efficacy of that socialism (or progressivsim, or whatever they wish to call it)… Continue reading

Sobering Facts About AA’s Effectiveness

…rs were possibly rackets or shams? The difference between alcoholism and a real disease is that real diseases require actual treatment in order for the person with the disease to recover. While receiving that treatment is no guarantee of recovery, that person will certainly remain ill and probably die without that treatment. Yet with alcoholism, we have a situation where 75 percent of people quit on their own. In other words, 75 percent of people… Continue reading

Free Speech: The Intellectual and Psychological Air We Breathe

for. People must believe they’re entitled to be free, if they’re to remain free. Communists abroad and at home — or their equivalents by any other name, including “progressive” — will always be there to restrain liberty. We have to maintain and always find the strength to fight back for that breath of fresh air. “Use it or lose it”. Nowhere does that phrase apply more than with freedom of speech. Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael… Continue reading

The Economic System That Time Forgot

…this fallacy? It’s thanks to the Republicans, up through and including the latest and greatest Republican hope for the future, Marco Rubio. I wish Marco Rubio well and like many things he’s saying. But Republicans must stop making the same error that keeps causing them to lose elections—and losing the agenda even in the rare cases they manage to win elections. America, especially in the areas that most concern us—education, health care, banking—is… Continue reading

Reflections on New Year’s Choices

…ong with that should come respect. The odds of your relationship surviving open communication are much greater than if you perpetuate a lie. I knew a man years ago who took great pleasure in eating. He was only moderately overweight, and took small doses of medication for blood pressure and cholesterol. His wife was constantly on his case about eating. Finally, out of frustration, he told her, calmly and logically, “I like eating. I’ll curb it her… Continue reading

Arizona Restaurant the Latest Victim of Leftist Intolerance and Threats of Violence

…endence that a nation of free men and women requires and encourages. And that’s why they’re so intolerant, nasty and mean.   TONS OF NEW PODCASTS WITH DR. HURD AND TRUMP ASSOCIATE ROB ARLETT…CLICK HERE! Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitte… Continue reading