Alcoholism: Rationally Defined (DE Wave)

…ning and enabling, in the absence of any empirical evidence, alcohol abuse simply cannot be called a disease. Now before you fire-up your email, this certainly does not mean that I’d encourage someone with a known alcohol problem to return to drinking just for the heck of it. As with any dangerous behavior – and alcoholism falls into that category – potential risks and benefits must be weighed. Alcohol reduces inhibitions and impairs judgment. And… Continue reading

In a bad mood? Think about why! (DE Wave)

…it’s time to take control and face life head-on. By the way, there really isn’t going to be test. See? You’re in a better mood already. Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1, and see “Michael Hurd” on MeWe…. Continue reading

Why Children Need Imaginative Play

…one to themselves after there is TV watching. Continuous daily TV watching completely erases the inner drive leaving the child in a bored, aimless, and immobile state. Take a child who is playing well, then introduce the TV; then, after an hour or two, turn off the TV. The child will be bored and aimless afterwards and it takes an hour or more for them to start playing again. Take another child who watches only TV daily and take the TV away, they… Continue reading

Tips for raising emotionally healthy kids

…different Some children are oppositional, while others show remarkable self-discipline. The persistently difficult child needs consistency more than anything else. Resist the temptation to control everything he does. Instead, choose your punishments. Pick out the most important offending behaviors, and punish him swiftly and consistently for them. Holding your ground on one issue, such as bedtime or homework, can often lead to success in other are… Continue reading

“Quarantine Camps” … Concentration Camps … What’s the Difference?

…hink this is fascism, you’re probably voting for Biden. Will this come to America if Biden wins? Absolutely. And not just for COVID violations.     Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1, Drhurd on Parler, and see drmichae… Continue reading

Bad mood? Not so bad

…ng to conclusions. Bipolar refers to a mood condition that isn’t nearly as common as people think, and is best diagnosed by a qualified mental health professional. These statements also suggest the mistaken idea that moodiness is, in itself, somehow wrong or bad. Of course, someone most of us would consider moody might actually have a problem managing his or her emotions. But if the easy solutions fail, psychotherapy and in extreme cases, medicati… Continue reading

Note to Perfectionists: Don’t Try to Improve!

…ct, crooked, it should be made straight. This isn’t perfectionism; this is simply reasonable, because it’s objectively provable. If the picture on the wall is, in fact, perfectly straight — and the perfectionist FEELS it should be made better — then you’re talking about irrational perfectionism. Imagine you prepared a meal for guests. The meal was perfect. All of the guests’ feedback was positive, and you know they were right. Nevertheless, when y… Continue reading

Who’s the boss? (DE Coast Press)

…has undesirable characteristics, that’s fine. But if you dislike your boss simply because he or she is your boss, then it’s time to step back and reconsider. The point is simple: The reason you have a boss is because you’re unable or unwilling to be self-employed at this time. If you were self-employed, you’d answer directly to your customers. Your boss, especially in a large company, serves as a buffer between you and the customers. In other word… Continue reading

Be Your Own Boss (DE Wave)

…has undesirable characteristics, that’s fine. But if you dislike your boss simply because he or she is your boss, then it’s time to step back and reconsider. The point is simple: The reason you have a boss is because you’re unable or unwilling to be self-employed at this time. If you were self-employed, you’d answer directly to your customers. Your boss, especially in a large company, serves as a buffer between you and the customers. In other word… Continue reading

The G.I. Bill vs. a Free Society?

…y, and in a free society they would do so (just as many do so in our not-so-free society). I maintain that those who need charity would actually fare better in a private economy growing eight percent a year than in a floundering or slowly perishing economy, such as ours, where it quite naturally becomes more about ‘every man for himself.’ But this is a point, I have learned, that for purely emotional reasons most are not willing to hear. So you fa… Continue reading

College … It’s the New High School

…sulted in unthinkable inflation, it’s time to do something. We’re going to simply make higher education free. And we’re going to put government in charge of higher education content. We’ll create the equivalent of the typical public school in academia. The dream is real, and it’s here. ‘So the president on this bus tour will lay out some fundamental reforms that would bring real change to the way that we pay for college education in this country,’… Continue reading