Hoover Institution senior fellow Victor Davis Hanson condemned New Zealand’s institution of coronavirus quarantine “camps” on “The Ingraham Angle” Tuesday.
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, of the center-left New Zealand Labour Party, announced in a video that if people sent to the camp refuse to be tested, they will be required to remain another two weeks after their initial two-week stay.
Ardern called the warning a “pretty good incentive” to get tested for COVID-19. [Story here]
“You either get your test done and make sure you are cleared, or we will keep you in a facility longer,” she said. “So I think most people look at that and say, ‘I will take the test.'”
New Zealand has had 25 COVID deaths. Yet the government forcibly puts you in a “quarantine camp” if you refuse to get tested. If you don’t think this is fascism, you’re probably voting for Biden. Will this come to America if Biden wins? Absolutely. And not just for COVID violations.
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