DrHurd.com: “Single Bright Star in Vast Sky of Emptiness”

…I believe it is very important to recognize great knowledge and ability because those that have it are very deserving of the recognition. Great things are like that single bright star in a vast sky of emptiness. It is not the common, vast averageness that leads the way – it is the small rare point that stands out in contradiction to that vastness. So I want to recognize your knowledge and understanding as well as Thank You for your site and artic… Continue reading

DrHurd.com an “Oasis” in a “Sinking Quagmire”

…everyday. This one in particular is a crystal clear logically sound response to the lunacy most Americans – and those supposedly embracing Western culture. It saddens me to watch such a great idea breath its last gasps under the watch of people not worthy or intelligent enough to read the words of Jefferson – much less understand them. Even in this sinking quagmire, those of independent spirit can find a small oasis in this Daily Dose of Reason…. Continue reading

DrHurd.com “Must” Reading!

…“I strongly recommend The Feeling Sorry for Yourself article as a ‘must read’ for all ages. This is the type of guidance that encourages readers to regain control of their lives, by putting life’s inevitable disappointments in the correct perspective, as well as offering sound advice on handling our emotional reactions to adversity. Thank you, Dr. Hurd.”… Continue reading

We All Hate “Hate Speech” But Does Anyone LOVE Free Speech?

…hame on Ted Cruz for his response to Trump. Now where can the rest of us go to find a candidate who will stand up for free speech where it really counts? Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1 Dr. Hurd is now a Newsmax Ins… Continue reading

How to Destroy Your Marriage in One Easy Step

…ween loving her on the one hand, and treating her poorly, on the other—she simply feeds into the false idea that love is selfless and excuses the wrongdoing for which he claims to be ashamed. Earth to Seth and Seth’s dad: Love is supposed to be about the satisfaction of two people. Each pleases the other simply by being who he or she is. If nobody is to be satisfied, and if self-fulfillment is wrong, there can be no giving. Sure, there are comprom… Continue reading