“Children Make the Best Soldiers”

…able of accepting or rejecting. Children, on the other hand, are much more compliant. They don’t yet have the full conceptual capacity to be otherwise, at least in most cases. What does it say about an ideology that its proponents require the blind obedience, honest ignorance and/or lack of intellectual development of children in order to sustain itself? None of this is relevant to our present leadership in America. Our president insists that it’s… Continue reading

The Buddha Got This One Right

…yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection. — Buddha Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1 Dr. Hurd is now a Newsmax Ins… Continue reading

“The Grass is Always Greener” Fallacy

…ity become emotional burdens to people who otherwise want to love life but simply don’t know how to make choices. Impossible perfectionism can also lead to a ‘grass is always greener’ attitude. In other words, no matter what you have or what you accomplish, it will never be good enough. The obvious result is never being satisfied with any relationship, any career, or any decision great or small. ‘I ordered the steak. I liked it a great deal, but I… Continue reading

‘Tis the Season NOT to Stress

…Well-run businesses respond to what the majority demands, and many people simply don’t question what they want. They just do it — often with resentment and bottled-up anger. If you find yourself thinking, “I just can’t do it this year,” ask yourself, “How do I really want to handle gifts? Am I truly satisfied when it’s all over?” Think about last year: If you liked everything the way it was, then know that all the hassle will be worth it. Don’t r… Continue reading

Can “single-think” become “couple-think?” (DE Coast Press)

…And she does the same thing in return. They enjoy a satisfying and conflict-free relationship. Is this some sort of lofty ideal? Not if you truly love your partner. To love somebody is to wish the best for them. The only competition should be to see who can make the other the happiest. I find it sad when somebody tells me, ‘We have to sacrifice, and it’s give-and-take, but at least we’re together.’ For what? Sacrifice and misery are NOT the ideal…. Continue reading

“Hair Care Reform” via SWAT Teams in Florida

…barbers working there were properly licensed, and all of the work stations complied with state regulations. Two days later, even though no violations had been discovered and even though the DBPR is authorized to conduct such inspections only once every two years, the inspectors called again, this time accompanied by “between eight and ten officers, including narcotics agents,” who “rushed into” the barbershop “like [a] SWAT team.” Some of them wor… Continue reading

Can “single-think” become “couple-think?” (DE Coast Press)

…And she does the same thing in return. They enjoy a satisfying and conflict-free relationship. Is this some sort of lofty ideal? Not if you truly love your partner. To love somebody is to wish the best for them. The only competition should be to see who can make the other the happiest. I find it sad when somebody tells me, “We have to sacrifice, and it’s give-and-take, but at least we’re together.” For what? Sacrifice and misery are NOT the ideal…. Continue reading

Remind Them Why You Care (DE Wave)

…id she save him? I’ll never know. But at least she convinced him to give it a try. Be sure to “friend” Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest…. Continue reading

“Low Information Voter”: The New Form of Intimidation

…up on employment in a stagnant economy, when you define employment as a 30-plus hour per week job. More and more are dependent on government handouts, and the entitlement programs of Medicare and Social Security are fiscally unsustainable, by the government’s own figures. Progressives have no answer, other than more borrowing, more spending, more economically destructive Federal Reserve policies, and — of course — more taxation. In the meantime,… Continue reading

The Mayor of New York Gets Mugged by Reality

…e used to be a saying that a law-and-order conservative was a formerly soft-on-crime liberal — who had recently been mugged. The idea was that the tendency to not hold criminals responsible for their actions disappeared as soon as one was confronted with the hard reality of a gun in one’s face. I can’t help but think of this as I watch the hapless mayor of New York City respond to the latest attack on police (again in Brooklyn, just last night.) “… Continue reading

How to Reduce Stress NEXT Christmas

…f brightly wrapped presents under the tree. But in the interest of a stress-free holiday, you can propose other options. For example, suggest that each person draw a single name for which they will buy. Some large families and offices do this all the time. Or what about a memorable experience like a cruise or a trip – anything that isn’t doomed to collect dust in the attic. I’m not advocating any particular way to exchange gifts. What I am saying… Continue reading