Meals on Wheels: Private vs. Government Charity

…g from the Community Development Block Grant program. But the situation is complicated and saying that the budget eliminates the Meals on Wheels program is factually incorrect. According to the Meals on Wheels annual IRS filing for 2015 (it isn’t a government program), approximately 3.3% of its funding comes from government sources. Most is from corporate and foundation grants, with individual contributions the second-largest source. Government gr… Continue reading

Capitalism is Not a Voucher System

…polls and special elections, reveals the sad truth: That Americans are in complete denial about the unsustainability of their Medicare. Paul Ryan’s fatal mistake isn’t his voucher program for Medicare. His fatal error was in refusing to challenge Medicare, or any socialized medicine, on moral grounds. He should have argued, “Medicare is wrong. It’s socialized medicine for the elderly. Hospitals and doctors cannot even remain in business so long a… Continue reading

Truth Time: Obama Wants “Truthiness” Test for the Internet

…in the culture. “We are going to have to rebuild within this wild-wild-west-of-information flow some sort of curating function that people agree to,” Obama said at an innovation conference in Pittsburgh. Who are “we” in this equation? Does he mean willing, voluntary parties? Or are government authorities and politicians to be in the mix? Aren’t they already in the mix, by virtue of the President of the United States calling for a different kind of… Continue reading

Islam is Guilty of Bigotry; Not Its Critics

…irrelevant when it comes to pushing a particular, politically correct point-of-view? It gets worse. Eighty-two leading Democrats have cosponsored a House Resolution (H.Res. 569), “Condemning violence, bigotry, and hateful rhetoric towards Muslims in the United States”. The Resolution was introduced in the House of Representatives by Democrat Donald S. Beyer (Virginia) on December 17, 2015 — a mere 15 days after Tashfeen Malik and Syed Farook gunne… Continue reading

Leadership’s Essential and Forgotten Quality (Eisenhower)

…ection gang, a football field, in an army, or in an office.” — Dwight D. Eisenhower Listen to tons of new podcasts HERE! Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1… Continue reading

Trump Says Medicare is Popular — So What?

…’s worked. It’s a program that some people love, actually.” [ 10-27-15] Actually, Carson does not propose abolishing Medicare. According to, he says he would not end Medicare and would use health savings accounts, which would eliminate “the need for people to be dependent on government programs.” Carson wants to “provide people with an alternative” that he describes as “so much better than anything else,” but added he do… Continue reading

Why Not a Relief Program for Economic Freedom?

…said Maj. Gen. Romer Poquiz of the Philippine Air Force. “So before the people come in, we would take off, go and drop in other places, drop and then go, drop, go, drop, go, at various places.” Several countries, including the U.S. military, continued to assist Philippine authorities in a massive relief effort of delivering food and water to the devastated swaths of the archipelago. The central government is being criticized for a slow and disorga… Continue reading

Stop Being STUPID, America

…or, because welfare, food stamps and Medicaid (along with the resulting out-of-wedlock pregnancies) have made them permanent wards of the government. You want to talk racism? The War on Poverty is a form of racism worthy of the KKK itself. The War on Drugs. Can anyone say with a straight face that the War on Drugs has done ANYTHING AT ALL to reduce drug use? If we didn’t know better, we’d have to conclude it has made drug consumption worse. Other… Continue reading

All Children Left Behind

…. Students and teachers have to do more. This shouldn’t be ‘dramatic.’ Put simply, teachers should be allowed to rationally teach, without any government interference, and students should be required to live up to their capacities. Most agree with this principle, but government has never yet delivered. This all started with ‘No Child Left Behind,’ passed about a decade ago. Passed and supported by both conservatives and liberals (George W. Bush an… Continue reading

The Only “Fair” Trade is Free Trade

…essors. As more Americans start to realize that Obama is not “change,” but simply more of the same — a lot more of the same socialism and government intervention in the economy we have endured for decades — perhaps we can start to consider actual change: Change away from crony capitalism and towards genuine free market capitalism. America does not suffer from a lack of fairness so much as a lack of freedom. Restore freedom, and you will in the pro… Continue reading

What’s With the Nude “Selfies”?

…technology, certain people would still want to do whatever the behavior accomplishes, emotionally and psychologically. If a person doesn’t wish to send nude selfies or anything similar, then the presence of technology is of no relevance. People undoubtedly send and enjoy nude “selfies” for a variety of reasons, varying in content and intensity from person to person. The first thing that strikes me as a probable motive is exhibitionism. Here’s how… Continue reading

Do friendships last forever?

…any qualities that she enjoyed or that somehow enriched her. Yes, some people are high maintenance, and small doses work fine with people like that. Indeed, if you look at things from his point of view, the “life’s too short” concept works both ways. Her friend may have (real or perceived) issues with her that might affect his behavior when they’re together. Eliminating somebody from your life is a big step, so I suggested that she try talking so… Continue reading