Are you a Child Whisperer?

…fluenced by their elders and their surroundings. Both eagerly react to tone-of-voice, reward and punishment; modeling their actions and habits (good AND bad) on those who care for them. Of course, children continue to mature past this point, whereas ‘man’s best friend’ remains at that stage of development for its entire life. Besides being a dog expert, the amazing thing about Cesar Millan is how well he understands people. He recognizes that many… Continue reading

Is it healthy to strive for perfection?

…something for which there’s no excuse. It would be a lot healthier if they simply admitted, ‘There’s no excuse. I made a mistake and I accept the consequences.’ Of course, most mistakes are forgivable. Indeed, we have to forgive ourselves for our own mistakes, otherwise, how could we go on without feeling hopeless? But the attitude of ‘Nobody’s perfect’ makes me nervous. When someone says it, I wonder if they really care that they made a mistake…. Continue reading

Please pardon the interruption, but–

…The next time you’re having a political discussion, watch out for this not-so-nice one: The ‘body language interruption’ wordlessly expresses disinterest in what the speaker is saying. Sound familiar? There’s also the ‘permission interrupt,’ such as, ‘May I interrupt you? I have something important to add.’ From doing counseling with couples, I know that this is sometimes a non-confrontational way for a spouse to get his or her point across durin… Continue reading

Is it “selfish” to want a true friendship?

…nature of life. True friends value you for how you make them feel, and vice-versa. People treat others poorly for all kinds of reasons, but ‘having a self’ isn’t one of them. Disregarding the feelings or needs of others is not in your self-interest. It’s healthy to care about yourself in a rational, responsible way—and that includes nurturing your friendships because they fulfill you in some positive manner. The issue sometimes starts in childhood… Continue reading

Psychological labeling can do more harm than good

…minimally appropriate. Obviously there was more going on here than just a complaint over raised voices. We hear all the time about incidents of road-rage that escalate into violence, or verbal and physical attacks from strangers over things that seem so insignificant. Why are some people on a hair-trigger to yell, abuse and even do physical harm? What is going on in their minds that makes them so angry that the slightest thing sets them off? Well… Continue reading

Beware of the dangers of “Vacation Syndrome!”

…e they’re at the beach doesn’t make these activities any less treacherous than they would be at home! Perhaps those who show signs of Vacation Syndrome take too little care of themselves during the rest of the year. If they allowed themselves a little more fun in their day-to-day activities at home, they might not depend so much on their vacation time to provide it all. Whatever the causes of their stress (and it might be perfectly understandable… Continue reading

Do obsessions get in the way of your life?

…gly enough, in several episodes, when he temporarily abandons his obsessive-compulsive nature (for whatever reason), he loses his remarkable ability to solve crimes. Apparently his pathological attention to detail is critical to his talent for cracking even the most convoluted mysteries. So where does ‘attention to detail’ leave off, and ‘obsessive-compulsive disorder’ (OCD) begin? Is it obsessive to regularly wash your hands so you won’t get sick… Continue reading

Is Vacation Syndrome a Sign of Too Much Stress?

…they’re at the beach doesn’t make these activities any less treacherous than they would be at home! Perhaps those who show signs of Vacation Syndrome take too little care of themselves during the rest of the year. If they allowed themselves a little more fun in their day-to-day activities at home, they might not depend so much on their vacation time to provide it all. Whatever the causes of their stress (and it might be perfectly understandable s… Continue reading

Beware of “Vacation Syndrome!”

…at the beach doesn’t make these activities any less treacherous than they would be at home. Perhaps those who show signs of Vacation Syndrome take too little care of themselves during the rest of the year. If they allowed themselves a little more fun in their day-to-day activities, they might not depend so much on their vacation to provide it all. Whatever the causes of their stress (and it might be perfectly understandable stress), it doesn’t ma… Continue reading

Pedophilia, Priests and Human Nature

…riod in which he might seek professional help, the help of peers, or might simply go it alone. It’s possible that the urge will disappear and reappear over his life, at which time he can choose whether or not to start using again. Dombeck is correct that child-molesting priests, like drug abusers, suffer from compulsions to do something irrational. He writes of a “wheel of forbidden desire,” or a cycle of compulsion which develops in the pedophile… Continue reading

Top Ten Dream Themes (DE Coast Press)

…that the top ten subjects are (in no particular order): 1. being in an out-of-control car (is life maybe too hectic and out of control?); 2. falling (am I feeling “unsupported” or worried?); 3. arriving late or unprepared for an exam (am I lacking confidence, or feeling unprepared for an upcoming event?); 4. being chased or attacked (is there a fearful aspect of my personality?); 5. encountering a helpless baby or small animal (have I been attent… Continue reading