Some People Like Big Government

…of it. A government “big enough” to do this is no government that I want. Freedom is not your enemy. Free people are not your enemy. Unless you hate the sight of success, or feel that it threatens you in some way, you have nothing to fear or loathe in a free society, including a capitalist society. All you need protection from is the force of thugs, thieves, terrorists and con artists. You claim that without big government we are governed by the… Continue reading

Environmentalism and Psychology: A Marriage Made in Hell (Part 1 of 2)

…rbon emissions.’ One wonders: What will the emotional state of Americans become when air conditioning and heat become too expensive? When the food supply is threatened as business tries to keep up with impossible government-mandated standards for carbon emissions? When flying on airplanes becomes too expensive to make vacations possible, and when driving becomes a luxury that fewer people enjoy at all? Outlawing or restricting carbon emissions is… Continue reading

“Seasonally Affective” Sadness

…vioral change rather than medication. Needless to say, the problem is most common in northern locales where winter daylight lasts only a very short time. People who complain of SAD experience decreased energy, increased appetite with weight gain, excessive daytime sleepiness and social withdrawal. If this seems to be happening to you, ask yourself a couple of questions. First, are there advantages to shorter and darker days? Second, what can you d… Continue reading

Who Says Two Wrongs Don’t Make a Right?

…y in control of the interpersonal environment you create. If you want a better class of people around you, then stop operating on this ill-founded, pernicious idea. Be sure to “friend” Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest…. Continue reading

The # 1 Way (Not) to Ruin Your Life

…gleefully labeled it, “Spreading the wealth.” Not everyone seeks monetary compensation. For others the compensation is psychological. Many people find solace in the self-help literature that typically focuses on victimhood at the expense of how to take charge of, and responsibility for, one’s own life. For example: “My marriage isn’t unhappy because of flaws in my husband or myself. My marriage is unhappy because the self-help guru du jour says m… Continue reading

“It’s a Jungle Out There” — Is Life Really Adversarial?

…self-esteem and self-worth. Because true happiness depends upon accepting reality, you compromise that happiness by establishing a gap between your mind and the real world. Consequently, the basic “dilemma” about lying should not be: “Will I get caught or not?” but rather, “Do I want to live in reality or not?” To a rational, healthy, life-valuing individual, the answer is obvious. Conflicts of interest are inevitable and unavoidable. Whether or… Continue reading

Israel vs. Iran: It’s the Economy, Stupid

…the United States and Israel, relative beacons of prosperity and economic freedom when compared to much of the rest of the world, and most of human history. Israel is better than Iran. It’s a better place to live, by any standard of human quality. For that reason, it has to be cut down a notch. Obama’s anti-Israel foreign policy is completely consistent with his anti-wealth, anti-private property and anti-economic freedom domestic policy. Obama d… Continue reading

Why the Lights of Times Square are a Beautiful Thing

…live there? South Korea, while not the opposite extreme of North Korea, is comparatively freer, and observe the difference in concrete terms most of us can readily understand. Without the thought that goes into technological, industrial and scientific innovation, we wouldn’t have to worry about the billboards in Times Square, even neurotically and irrationally. When the lights go out in man’s mind, the lights literally go out on the streets, in th… Continue reading

Recycling: The Equivalent of Prayer in Urban Religion?

…zero-waste goal makes no sense at all — it’s very expensive with almost no real environmental benefit.” Interestingly, Porter advised state officials that no more than 35 percent of the nation’s trash was worth recycling, but some ignored him and set goals of 50 percent and higher. Most of those goals were never met and the national rate has been stuck around 34 percent in recent years. What people forget is how science in a free society, combined… Continue reading

The “Happiness Pie” is a Flawed Concept (DE Wave)

…contact or show that you have any regard for them. Your expectation then becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy as people react to this and they can, in fact, become your enemies rather than your friends. Everyone else is dishonest, so I might as well be dishonest too. Dishonesty is often exposed over the long run, so once you develop a reputation for dishonesty, people will not be comfortable doing financial or emotional business with you. Even more… Continue reading

Is Trump Responsible for Violence Against Him?

…p. To say anybody “bears responsibility for creating an environment” where free speech or free assembly is hampered simply by holding controversial positions is, in itself, a basis for restricting free speech. Unintentionally or not, that’s what Ted Cruz has done with his remarks. As for Black Lives Matter, they are gleeful that they have frightened even the Chicago police into relenting. Their central goal is to inspire anarchy, not because they… Continue reading

2016 Election a Freak Show? Look in the Mirror, America

for the world in general … absolutely cut fossil fuels. Look at me, I’m an environmentalist. I care about the environment. I recycle. I buy green and organic products (whatever that means). I support Hollywood celebrities and whatever they say, yes, I go for that. I’m cool. But don’t you dare raise my energy costs. Don’t tamper with my vacations, my lifestyle or my entitlement as an American to enjoy whatever I want. Free Internet for all? Of cour… Continue reading