Greed and “materialism” have their good points. The root of these things are in the emotion of wanting. It’s true that some will steal or cheat to get what they want; but most will work for it. Since cheating and … Continue reading
Category: Daily Dose of Reason
“Stimulate” the Economy?
Why should the government “stimulate” the economy? Productive people can take care of that. The government needs to get out of the way. The analogy our leaders are using is interesting. They’re talking about a desire to give a “shot … Continue reading
How You Love
Do you love someone for what he has…or for who he IS? Either motive is all right. But there is a difference between the two. And terms should be clear. Honesty works best, because then you’re not faced with a … Continue reading
The Self-Esteem Equation
The self-esteem equation, for a healthy person, is as follows: “I am worthwhile. I am somebody. I have skills and I know what they are. If I diligently work at these skills, I WILL produce something of worth; something that … Continue reading
The Best ARE Big
Q: What do people mean when they use the expression: “bigger than myself/themselves.” Sports commentators, for example, say about individual athletes in team sports: “No one player is bigger than the game (football, baseball, etc.) itself.” Or people who justify … Continue reading
Emotional Hearing Problem
Denial is an emotional hearing problem, or emotional deafness. With auditory deafness, the problem is sensory; with denial, the problem is conceptual. Denial is a combination of a refusal to think carefully and an acceptance of a conclusion that isn’t … Continue reading
What Do YOU Think?
Sacrifice of the self, at the core, means sacrifice of your own mind to the mind of another (or others). This automatically sets into a motion a motivation of caring about what others think, because the primary standard becomes HIS … Continue reading
McCain: Old Man, Old Ideas
In his victory speech, Republicrat John McCain spoke of what he sees as the value of holding principles above oneself. I don’t understand. If I value the principle of freedom above myself, then does this mean I am not supposed … Continue reading
Weird, Or Just Different?
Q: I feel different from other people. I’m not weird, but I’m in the minority and I don’t fit into any stereotypical “box.” How can I deal with this feeling? A: Actually, some people ARE uncomfortable with the unusual or … Continue reading
Are Values Objective?
Q: Dr. Hurd, how can you say that values are objective and not relative? Isn’t this like saying that chocolate is the right flavor, and vanilla is the wrong one? Or that being a surgeon is the right career and … Continue reading
What I Think of Ron Paul
Q: From your Living Resources Newsletter, you said to “Show me a candidate who actually stands for individual rights and freedom”, and I was wondering if you’d heard anything about Ron Paul. I quote from his website: “Congressman Ron Paul … Continue reading
The Popularity of Populism
What’s all this talk about “populism” in the presidential campaign? We’re being told that the most “populist” candidates are so far winning. Evidently it’s popular to bash Wall Street, capitalism, or even the nature of profit and prosperity, as such. … Continue reading